I heard back from customer service. In a nutshell, they basically told me how to delete my account, and that the only permanent way to delete it was to let them know and they would delete it manually. They didn't offer any assistance or advice about the main thing I was upset about, which was the login problems. I guess they were basically letting me know that they did not need my presence and to "go ahead and delete, see if we care!". Just goes to show you nobody really cares, until payday that is, about Customer Service.
I know, I was in the wrong because I got the whole login thing screwed up in my head, but gee. At least try to help me when I'm distressed! 8-O
At any rate, remember that tomorrow is once again the WWC (Weekly Word Challenge with "Tink"). If you want
details on how to participate, go here. This week's words are "Old" and "Blue".
That's about all I have to report for a Monday, so pop back pop back in tomorrow for another titillating block of words from your favorite Aunt. (That's me).
Joel, exactly! WTF?!? :)
Her Indoors, sure makes us feel unimportant in a world of disposables eh?? Man's inhumanity to man...