Sympathy for the Turkey

"Your approval rating is great with the turkey!"

Friday is in full effect, and while I still had a rough morning getting started I perked up when I thought about next week being a "3 Day Week". I can't believe it's nearly Thanksgiving again... It seems like I just finished telling you the story about my Halloween Trick-or-Treater, "Little Venom", who's probably outside terrorizing a turkey as we speak. Speaking of Turkeys and Terrorism (which go together rather humorously in this photo, I think, looks like this little guy is a fan of Bush and Cock... LOL!!

Thanksgiving was always fun at my house growing up. One or more of my nieces would usually spend the night with us before, and we would wake up and watch a bunch of cool t.v. shows that came on Thanksgiving Morning. I don't know why, but it seemed like everything cool came on that day. Then I loved to watch the Thanksgiving Parades too. Finally, everyone began piling into the house around noon or a little after, and we began our tummy-busting feasts. My Mom and Dad always worked together to make the best turkey dressing, and we had plenty of other delicious favorites. Hope we have a happy one this year... crossing my fingers!

As I was getting ready to leave this morning, I happened to notice the television was playing none other than The Brady Bunch Movie (1995).

I just had to laugh, remembering my favorite parts, and how geeky Greg was (even in the old series). So, I thought I would share with you, my 'far-out' readers a really happening video man... Let me present the Video of Davy Jones singing "Girl" Onstage on the Brady Bunch Movie. Have a laugh, and then relax and have a GROOOOVY WEEKEND!!!


Jay said…
We still watch the T-Giving day parades. When we were kids we couldn't wait for the Macy's parade to get to the end cause Santa was at the end of the parade it was "officially" Christmas Season! ;-)

And... Ahh .. The Brady Bunch ... I had such a strange and unnatural love for Marcia Brady. The long blond hair, the sweet blue eyes, the great legs in those short skirts. Good times, good times.

/Maureen McCormick is still beautiful!
I LOVE watching all of the parades with the bands and Santa does make his debut!!!!

Have a great weekend!
R.E.H. said…
Hmmm... I can't help but wondering what stuffing will be in that turkey on thanks giving...
Strange pecking order....

Jackie, I hate to admit this, but I have seen the BBM more than once, and have a little crush on Marcia #2!!!

doctor chip said…

that video was just dripping with cheese...


Aunt Jackie said…
Jay! Ah yes, the men's obsession with Marsha Marsha Marsha!! LOL

RLL! True the parades are cool... thanks for stopping by!

REH! Ewwww?? :))
Aunt Jackie said…
Speedy! Well this changes everything!! I don't know you---HAHAHA j/k!! I watch all cheesy movies... I swear I won't tell Ben Stiller on you.

Dr. Chip! Yes, I know--it's hilariously cheesy. Don't worry I got punished by having that song stuck in my head all day yesterday while I was feeling overstuffed. Bad Saturday eh?

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