Red and Architecture (WWC)

Happy Tuesday! The WWC can slip up on me, and I always think I'm not going to be prepared. But with fall abound and so much beauty glowing around us with the season, it's hard not to have something to shoot with the cam these days. I had a hard time picking through my photos to narrow it down enough this time. This week's Weekly Words Challenge (WWC), as always brought to us by the always colorful, and creative Tink of Pickled Beef is themed with the words "Red" and "Architecture".

Some of mine is combined, and some is it's own photo. I felt I quite a few for this week, so I hope it's not too many. Hope you'll enjoy!!

Red and Architecture!

Let's start with RED...

This brilliant red tree surely caught my eye!

Red lets you know "we're open!"

Delicious Candy Apple Red

I'll have some Sushi please!

Red fish simply brighten up this building in the Pinch District.

And now, ArChItEcTuRe!

This Oriental-Style building near the Panda exihibit
at the Zoo is really unique-looking

A section taken from the apartment building
across the street appears to be "Watching Me"!

Old architecture downtown going through renovation

Neat upshot of this aging structure catches the sky in its windows

Blue Sky, cool angle

Another cool angle, interesting shape, reflective sky

This weeks WWC was alot of fun as always, If you still haven't joined the fun, go here for details!

Tink says t
he words for next week are:


Can't wait!!!


g-man said…
Way cool shots all. Looks like we had some similar thoughts. I also had an "open" sign and apples (not candied) but went with the ones I picked. I actually went pretty nuts doing this, it is fun :)
Tink said…
That fish shot is my FAVORITE, although the last picture was a close second. Great job! Your photography gets better and better girl. :)
Jay said…
Love the candy apples! And the architecture pics are terrific!

I live in a town where the tallest building is like 4 stories. LOL
Kell said…
Those are awesome! I'm salivating over those candy apples.
Allison Horner said…
I LOVE the tree. That seems to be a popular interpretation this week.

Anonymous said…
The apple candies! gosh,I'm going to get some candies now! :D
Sara said…
Wow, great pictures there and wonderful angles AJ. Real nice..the colour of that tree's leaves are AMAZING!!!!!!
Hugs and love to you
R.E.H. said…
Absolutely love your Architecture pics... way cool! And the red leaved tree is really great too.
gawilli said…
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Awaiting said…
Love the photos! Dang it, I wish my cam wasn't on the fritz taking craptastic grainy photos because this is so cool!

Off to beat the shit out of my camera now. Darn it!
I agree, this is really a cool post. Pictures are fantastic...great job Jackie.
I did hear this crazy joke, which I will be relaying to my fellow fairway walkers (funny!) thanks

See you soon, Speedy in Hollydale
Thank you for supporting my dreams, no matter what. I couldn’t ask for a better partner.

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