Yes, I think I will just claim 15 again, and stay there. Looking back, my teen years were worry free. I mean, there was the bi-weekly broken heart and all, but geez. It was a time when people said, "You've got your whole life ahead of you." and it was still true... wait, well it's still true, just now there is less of it ahead of me. That's all. No, I actually didn't get a cake, or any kind of party... Didn't really care. Basically, I just took off two extra days and treated myself to a 4 day weekend in honor of my birthday. Today, June 22nd is the actual date. However, my honorary "celebration" of it began when I got off work Friday night. We met up with some friends at the Midtown Sekisui, and then came home to watch a few more episodes of "Weeds", a tv series that many of you are probably familiar with, one that my 'ol' man' got me hooked on. Finally we have finished the series thanks to Netflix Streaming , and can await...
Hey I love that Lite Brite link!
We have to stop being so frigging grown-up, and get back into taking ourselves less seriously.
By the way, did that little one in the photo spin a bit too much? ;)
Nana please don't break any hips!
Dan, I don't think I ever really quit playing with toys, I'm just a big kid... and the "little one" in the photo is F.P.O. (position only, well just illustration purposes mostly anyway). I do not have children, I am just 'Aunt Jackie' :)
Black eyes are not fun!! Those violent weebles!! ;)
I don't spin because I'm afraid I'll break a hip when I fall down.
I really want an Operation! game for Christmas. I loved that thing. The way the guy's nose lit up when you goofed was hilarious.