Paint Jam

My drummer, Rob sent me this. It was totally amazing. At first, I had no idea what the guy was painting. I thought it looked like a dragon, or something. Then when I got to the end, I fell out of my seat. This is the sort of thing that makes me feel totally inadequate and talentless... I hope you enjoy it like I did. Seriously, you gotta watch it!

Click here: YouTube - Paintjam Dan Dunn


katy said…
WOW that was amazing. I am in awe of anyone who has talent, be it painting, writing, musical wonderful.
ZigZagMan said…
Holy shit....that is not what I was expecting at all!! Cool clip...:)
Anonymous said…
I'm always inspired and humbled by talent like that - I couldn't even make out ANYTHING till he flipped it around. AWESOME.
fanfuckintastic!!!!! never seen owt like that before...well 'cept Rolf Harris over here but he wasn't that good
JINKS said…
Wonderful entertainment.Good performance.
MrRyanO said…
That was pretty damn cool!
I saw the same thing you did in the beginning. I thought it was a dragon then I thought ,aybe a constellation of sorts then maybe....Well, maybe some breasts, HA! Then it all came to light....That was awesome. Are you still mad?


Aunt Jackie said…
Glad you guys enjoyed that... I sure did. I have got to get back to my art, and the core of "Me".

Blu, you know I can never stay mad at you! Just show your face a little more often.

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