Hi everybody! I'm just sitting here thinking about how it really sucks that this week's holiday (Independence Day-July 4th) is happening on a Wednesday. It couldn't be a worse day--right in the middle of the week. Unless you happen to be one of those people who have vacation time that they can take to bridge the holiday and the preferred weekend. Example: If I had 2 vacation days available, I would have taken them for July 5th and July 6th. That would have been a FIVE DAY WEEKEND!!!
Oh Woe is me.So I've been in one of my 'listening to sappy old love songs, and feeling nostalgic' phases. Why do I do it to myself?? I'm talking some early to mid-90s stuff, even down to stuff that reminds me of high school... I really cannot fathom the lost time between here and there. I don't know where it went. If I had known it was going to slip away from me that quickly, I would surely have never blinked... not once... What things might I have missed by sleeping? I have always liked to say "You can sleep when you're dead." It's true--there's tons of stuff to see and do, and not nearly enough time to do it in. [Although I can't help but find myself fond of the occasional nap here and there, on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon].

I was having a discussion with my friend Faith yesterday, (a.k.a. "Betaille",
Jinks). We were talking about Mortality, Aging, Loss of loved ones and so forth... I was thinking alot about how my father is these days. The jovial, silly bear of a man that I grew up with is sitting there in his recliner, sleeping... the highlight of his day now is watching the "Gunsmoke Marathon" on TV Land. He is still silly sometimes, but he is now meaner, extensively more cantankerous and much
less patient. The courteous, loving big-hearted, red-haired gentleman I know as my Daddy is now mad at the world. I know why, I understand it but I just can't "understand" it, you know what I mean? It just hurts me now, and makes me realize what there is to look forward to. It gives me a sense of urgency.
"Use it or lose it!" my subconscious pleads with me... Will we ever know the answers to the questions Why and When?
Oh well... I am hoping to have a moment to post later on tonight, maybe I'll elaborate more...
In checking into the significance of today (July 3rd--the day before our holiday), I happened to notice that it is the date of death for 2 prominent people in music history...
I happened to watch the movie about the Rolling Stones and Brian Jones death that came out a while back... I forgot the name of it; and of course I have seen "The Doors" multiple times. Good movie. Where would I (we) be without music?? I just cannot imagine. It is my DNA... it's my religion... At least I have that.
I'll be back in a bit... let me know you're hanging about... leave me a note! xoxox.
Your AuntJackie
Happy 4th Jackie. I have to go back to work on Thursday too. :(
Happy 4th x