October Blog Crush

Starting a new segment. "Monthly Blog Crush". This month's crush is none other than everyone's favorite Captain, Corky! I check, check and double-check Corky's content hoping to see new and gorgeous photos of his adorable son, Max. I can't go a day without the Corky wit and wisdom... He's top notch, and very creative (and who doesn't faint for the Captain??). So I have to name him "Mr. October" (Blog Crush of the Month). You can click the pic of the Captain (or the link) to visit him and get a crush of your own! ;)

Here's to you (and Max, a.k.a. Corky Jr.) Captain! Keep us laughing, smiling and thinking...


Jay said…
Yeah, Captain Corky is pretty cool. You never know what he's gonna come up with next.
katy said…
i am with you there AJ
captain corky said…
I'm blushing. Thank you Aunt Jackie!!! ;)

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