Getting Over The Hump
Not only am I trying to battle "mid-week", I am playing catch-up from having been on vacation, this being my first day back to the grind. My morning began less-than-delightful with a power outage on my entire block, so I was late, as well as attempted to get beautified by the soft glow of candlelight (this was not a successful venture). So scarecrow me, has finally added the remainder of the photos to my Hot Springs 2007 gallery... Here for your review... Hope you're all liking them (there are a good many photos here, and some of them may be repeats at this point so my apologies). Just Click To Play
I need a holiday.
By the way, Wax Museums are creepy as hell. After watching the original movie I have a hard time going to them...
Like the way My Blu points out your long post! Want me to slap him??? I could if you want :)
Dinners! Glad you liked the pics... I wish you could take a nice holiday, you deserve one.
Chalice! Thank you, we had much fun, enjoyed an extra day off too!
Wax museums are definitely creepy. I've not seen that movie, should I? Hehe... you can slap Blu if you want, in fun of course! :)
Then less than 4 hours sleep last even worse!
Then realising I have to present to a team of senior managers etc. late this afternoon on a video conference - this day is going down hill like a train without brakes! :-)
But not the waxworks. Very odd! Is it me of do they all look like they are all on something! What's with the grins? Esp the Clintons and the Royal family. Creepy!
Corky! Thanks, it is a cool place to hang for a weekend!
Jinks! Yes! I got-cho numba. We'll plan it up sometime.