"I'm Not Josie Grossy Anymore!!"
Scenes from Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion...
Guessin my high school reunion is a couple years away. I didn't go to the first one, for some reason, I just couldn't face it. I so wanted to be this "image" that I imagined for myself before showing my face to my classmates once again. For the popular kids, High School may be a time of fond memories and 'prime' stuff that they cherish, and to a certain extent for all of us, there are great memories there. But for those of us who weren't part of the "A Group" (or most-popular, voted cutest or most likely to succeed), it was a nightmare at times. There were people that I went to school with from Kindergarten through 12th grade that were 'aquaintance' friends that I didn't get that close to at all. Because we grew up, grew away from each other and were sectioned off into the "groups". There were geeks, jocks and cheerleaders, A-list rich kids, freaks, loners and just plain outcasts. I always felt like an outcast in school, for one reason or another. Let's not even talk about the Proms; They were depressing and traumatic. But lately, I've been obscessing over the impending dark shadow of the next reunion creeping closer.

"Prom Nightmare"
Just last night, I dreamt that I was there at some reunion with a bunch of the old classmates, some of them looked the way they did in High School, and some of the others were aged beyond belief. But when I would recognize someone, I would go over to them and try to strike up a conversation, but they would look at me with strange looks upon their faces and politely say "hi" and walk away, or ignore me all together. I don't know what I looked like in this dream, because I never saw a mirror or had any glimpse of myself... just the morose surroundings and the cold distant stares of all of my former classmates.
Even though I do remember the School portions of my teenage years with a slight 'wince', for the most part, I think of them as wonderful years. That may be more related to the fact that I had a couple of very close friends, and had such a wonderful family at home though. School giggled at more of my bad hair days and 'out-of-fashion' disasters than I care to remember... So many movies cover the subject of High School awkwardness, and reunions such as the "Romy and Michelle" clips above, as well as Drew Barrymore's starring role as "Josie Grossie" in the movie Never Been Kissed, in which we see a more mature young lady, now 25 years old, who gets the chance to go back to High School as an undercover reporter but learns more about the world, and high school than she ever did at 17... Good movie (you can see a trailer Here)
Maybe I'll go this time, I just don't know. I mean, who really wants to be reminded of these hairdo's (or hairdon'ts if you will). At any rate... I will be ready mentally and physically this time, if I do go... Class of 88', you'll wish you were me this time, just you wait. Most of you are probably miserable with 10 children and on your 4th marriage by now (you may even have grandchildren ha-ha). How about me, you might ask? Well, i'm just me, same as I've always have been, only better... We all have our demons I guess, the ones that need to be exorcised and sometimes 'exercised'... I like to think that there's a little bit of "Josie Grossie" in all of us. I'll see you soon! Until then, take a look back at Awesome 88.
Guessin my high school reunion is a couple years away. I didn't go to the first one, for some reason, I just couldn't face it. I so wanted to be this "image" that I imagined for myself before showing my face to my classmates once again. For the popular kids, High School may be a time of fond memories and 'prime' stuff that they cherish, and to a certain extent for all of us, there are great memories there. But for those of us who weren't part of the "A Group" (or most-popular, voted cutest or most likely to succeed), it was a nightmare at times. There were people that I went to school with from Kindergarten through 12th grade that were 'aquaintance' friends that I didn't get that close to at all. Because we grew up, grew away from each other and were sectioned off into the "groups". There were geeks, jocks and cheerleaders, A-list rich kids, freaks, loners and just plain outcasts. I always felt like an outcast in school, for one reason or another. Let's not even talk about the Proms; They were depressing and traumatic. But lately, I've been obscessing over the impending dark shadow of the next reunion creeping closer.

"Prom Nightmare"
Just last night, I dreamt that I was there at some reunion with a bunch of the old classmates, some of them looked the way they did in High School, and some of the others were aged beyond belief. But when I would recognize someone, I would go over to them and try to strike up a conversation, but they would look at me with strange looks upon their faces and politely say "hi" and walk away, or ignore me all together. I don't know what I looked like in this dream, because I never saw a mirror or had any glimpse of myself... just the morose surroundings and the cold distant stares of all of my former classmates.
Even though I do remember the School portions of my teenage years with a slight 'wince', for the most part, I think of them as wonderful years. That may be more related to the fact that I had a couple of very close friends, and had such a wonderful family at home though. School giggled at more of my bad hair days and 'out-of-fashion' disasters than I care to remember... So many movies cover the subject of High School awkwardness, and reunions such as the "Romy and Michelle" clips above, as well as Drew Barrymore's starring role as "Josie Grossie" in the movie Never Been Kissed, in which we see a more mature young lady, now 25 years old, who gets the chance to go back to High School as an undercover reporter but learns more about the world, and high school than she ever did at 17... Good movie (you can see a trailer Here)

you sound like all of us kiddo,and having talked to some of the A-group (that 95% of us weren't in) they didn't view high school as all that glamourous either. They were just as anxious as the rest of us only they fit in...to high school...that's the whole point.....they fit into that particular mold at that particular time.....that is all that means.....doesn't mean anything else. Have been to two reunions, only went to the Friday night lets meet for drinks, no biggy thing.....here's what I found out. The true snobs then, will be TRUE SNOBS NOW. Only instead of being snubbed you and the rest of the class will discreetly laugh your buttes off at them. The geek of the school....will be in a high paying job, might even be sorta cute now, and will have not one but two girls on his arm. the regular kids will be just that regular adults. Now the interesting thing is the "out-cast" as you put it....you know those that never really felt like they had anything remotely normal to relate to in highschool.most hit their stride since and if they aren't too busy enjoying life will come and take a peek. I would make a point to go this time, just to see what time has done to or for folks. Believe me, you'll come away with a new perspective on yourself and others.....you'll laugh that you use to feel so different and you'll appreciate your life in a new found way.