Suicide Squirrel, Obviously Not Opera Fan

This has been some week for animal attacks I guess, but this article was passed along to me by a co-worker about a Squirrel Suicide. What is going on this week? Very strange stuff. Speaking of animals, I made it through the 'Zoo-like' commute this morning unscathed, my Tuesday is a Monday (or is that the other way round?), however, I must get cracking. I had to share that little tidbit though. Are these poor little guys Nuts or what?? As for myself, the pursuit of some form of caffeine is underway...

More weird animal news, check out these Terrorist Raccoons
the Yahoo News article is Here


JINKS said…
Glad to hear it wasn't one of the cute little guys that resides at 777 Washington street. There are 5 of them in the oak tree on the northwest corner of the parking lot. One is gay and has recently come out of the tree about it, two are married, another is schizophrenic and barks while chasing cars around the lot and the last one is unemployed and panhandles on Adams....well it goes to show you it could happen to any squirrel.....

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