Pyromaniacs, It's Your Lucky Day

My intentions were to make today's blog entry about anything except for 9/11. Not because I don't feel for those who lost their lives or their families, because I do. But because my entry, I felt, would get lost anyway in the sea of posts commemorating and discussing the attacks of September 11. However, divine intervention successfully intervened, and here I am getting to work closer to 10:00 a.m. instead of my usual 'delayed 8:00'.

Monday mornings are usually hectic around the Downtown Memphis area, but this morning was different-and I don't know why none of us really anticipated this. We work in Memphis's (mainly) tallest building, close to the river, and right across from the Fire Museum. The fire department commemorates many things, and have ceremonies alot, so I guess I was a fool not to arrive at 6:00 a.m. in order to secure a parking spot.

Now, this was quite a long ceremony, and I guess all fire personnel were in attendance, so if anyone wanted to be a fire-crazy pyromaniac, I guess that would have been their chance. I did not get to see the Actual Ceremony, but I did catch some great radio 're-broadcasts' of the originally aired programming on the date of 9/11/01, all the while wasting infinite gas during my incessant circling, trying to figure out where I could park because of the activities being held.

The day must go on I guessed, so I parked a couple of blocks over and walked to my building. The extra steps didn't hurt me anyway, but I really wish I had planned to take a vacation day today, or worked from home-Nothing would've made my day much brighter, except the glare from the work of those mischevious pyros. :)

Have a pleasant 9/11 everyone, and don't forget to remember those who lost their lives and their families. Guess we never really know what could happen, or when... so make every moment count with those closest to you. I'll leave you with a couple of nice quotes to assist you in your day's journey. (You can compensate me by sending donations to make up my gas spent this morning... haha--j/k)

I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love.
-Leo Buscaglia

To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering. -Roberta Flack


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