Abandoned by Z

Tuesdays rather slip up on me, especially with a 'bank holiday' stuck in there. I am late, but here I am. This week's WWC (Weekly Words Challenge) is brought to us as always by the lovely and talented Tink of Pickled Beef. Her words for this week were "Z" and "Abandoned". This triggers bad things for me, and I tried to fight it but couldn't resist an "anonymous" photograph of "Z" himself.

Anyways, less on words and straight to the point this week.

Frutista Freeze


Abandoned Humanity


(who abandoned me)


Jay said…
There's a lot going on in that pic of all the signs.

*flips Z off for Jaxxx* ;-)
sparrow said…
I was abandoned by T.

Do I have to wait a whole fucking 15 weeks of this shit to make any sense of it?


Why the hell not... been making nonsense of it for upwards of 60.

*feeling particularly, uncomfortably but clearly defensive*

g-man said…
I was wondering if you were going to post a picture of him. (or if you even had one of him still)

Excellent showing as usual AJ. I really like the building signs. :) Well done.
Aunt Jackie said…
Aww J, thanks. :) Life is life.

Pixie, I would love to know more about what you are talking about. Will have to check in with you on this.

Sorry the abandonment idea struck a chord. :(

G-man, I don't mean to appear that I am 'obsessing' over the "Z" idea, it's just one of those lost soulmate things. I love my life now, I just don't feel bad about remembering and I enjoy sharing.

Glad you enjoyed.
Tink said…
Ha! I love the little graffiti on that anti-meat sign. Stuff like that makes my day. I'm surprised you still have a photo of "Z". I'm in the habit of burning the things that cause me to remember bad memories. But we all cope in different ways...

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