Of Popcorn & Pop Princesses

Just yesterday I was listening to Howard, and one of their news goodies stated that there was a man who ended up with a very rare lung disease that is usually found only in people with heavy exposure to microwaveable popcorn, like working at the plant where they make it and all. However, this dude did not work with the popcorn, he simply had been eating two (2) bags of the stuff a day, every day for like ten years. Eating it wasn't what gave him the lung disease... it was (wait for it), the steam from the bag... Seems he always liked to inhale that burst of smoky steam from the bag of popcorn upon opening it, and supposedly over time, it got to him.
This sounds so strange to me, one of those freakish things I guess. I was thinking on that, and although I like Popcorn, I can't imagine eating 2 bags a day... everyone has their little hang-ups and eccentricities.

I'd like to say that I would handle it all way better than the rest of these tragedies, but can't know that for sure unless I were really to walk a mile in their shoes (or slutty boots, or 7 inch stilettos... whatever the case may be). ;)
Well, I'm off to attempt to make it through a little Harry Potter... not that I don't like it, I just can't seem to get through the movies... Have a happy Tuesday.
Is that Harry Potter stuff any good?
Harry Potter is actually really good, I just haven't been able to make myself watch the movies all the way through. I don't know why.