Full Frontal Friday Four
Today's blouse is cut in such a way that a bit of the wing on my Angel/Devil tattoo shows. When people see this, they always start out asking "Is that a butterfly??" To which I reply, "Oh, no--these two are my 'conscience', you know, like the little angel and little devil that sit on your shoulder... Here they are fighting it out." and I'll pull the shirt or blouse over to the side and allow them to see the entire piece. Usually it will illicit some response one way or the other (usually good)... So I bare to you my little 'consciences' that ride with me on my shoulder all the time... I'll leave it to your imagination to wonder which one wins. ;)

Speaking of the battle over good and evil, we've enjoyed a break in the heat (a bit of rain) here this week, which was a relief in lieu of the past month's heat index and temperatures. That I've come to affectionately nickname "The Bowels of Hell". Even just a day or two with a few showers seems to refresh everything.
In Other News...
Looks like Rockdog still has an obsession with Amy Winehouse... but none of us understand truly why. I mean, I can see that she has looked "ok" at a point, but she seems to be out of control so she's more like 'Amy Crackhouse' than just Winehouse. We at the Forrest support Rockdog, and want him to know that we are here for him if he has any breakdowns and needs supporters. We'll get you some help dawg!! ;) hehe I'm just funnin with ya. (Honestly, in this pic she looks like a Female Impersonator with the make-up/hair combo and just being so misshapenly skinny and skuzzy right now.) On that note, I would like to offer to donate some of my ass to the Amy Winehouse Crack Foundation. She needs it way more than me, and I have plenty of ass to spare. :D
Blondie, from "Mostly Inappropriate Tales" has not quit blogging, although if you try to visit her link it says '404 Not Found'. When I first discovered this, I thought she up and pulled a "Novak" on us, but after contacting her I found this is not the case. This relieved me. She stated that something happened and she went to her blog and discovered she had lost everything and it had been deleted. She thinks she was hacked, and was planning on trying to see if she could recover the blog, as she loved it. If she cannot, however she says she'll return as soon as possible with either the old one, or a whole new blog.
Corky continues to rack up the comments. I'm totally envious, as much as I love comments, but as I love Corky even more, I can only stand back and stare in awe as he emits total awesomeness... However, I think the person that beats us all in the comments department is Dan over at his blah blah blog. Now, Dan holds his own brand of awesomeness, and generates quite an amazing number of comments. He's supposed to be taking me under his wing to let me in on his 'Ancient Chinese Secret'. So yes, I'm still trying to find ways to increase readership, and invite more commenting activity, so what better way than to study the "true greats"??
And finally, we're peering in to another weekend... it's Friday Y'all, so I wanna hear you hoot-n-hollar!! (or at least read your hoots and hollars!!), so Leave me a note, if you can find it in your generous heart of hearts...
Everyone have a great weekend. I'm sure it will pass fast, but I am hoping to have some fun and enjoy... Oh one more piece of news, My Friend Jinks told me this morning that the 2007 Farmer's Almanac said something about predicting a cold and wet winter this year. This is great news for Aunt Jackie as I have been praying for snow for so long. I would walk a mile uphill in the Memphis heat, make out with Amy Winehouse and send the video to Rockdog if I could only get a good snow this year!! ;) hehe
Happy Friday and stuff.
Love, AJ

Speaking of the battle over good and evil, we've enjoyed a break in the heat (a bit of rain) here this week, which was a relief in lieu of the past month's heat index and temperatures. That I've come to affectionately nickname "The Bowels of Hell". Even just a day or two with a few showers seems to refresh everything.
In Other News...
Everyone have a great weekend. I'm sure it will pass fast, but I am hoping to have some fun and enjoy... Oh one more piece of news, My Friend Jinks told me this morning that the 2007 Farmer's Almanac said something about predicting a cold and wet winter this year. This is great news for Aunt Jackie as I have been praying for snow for so long. I would walk a mile uphill in the Memphis heat, make out with Amy Winehouse and send the video to Rockdog if I could only get a good snow this year!! ;) hehe
Happy Friday and stuff.
Love, AJ
Corky is a blogging phenom. My comments pretty much reached their peak and it seems as though that's it. But, Corky keeps going higher and higher.
Corky's tha Man! Hopefully, I have more readers than those that leave me comments... hopefully :D
but she's destined to either crash and burn ( but maybe be remembered )...or clean up and be forgotten..
I'm betting on the crashing and burning..
I love your tattoo. Very cool.
Want to trade links? My site is http://jaysmoney.blogspot.com
If you want to trade post my link the contact me back and I'll post yours!
Talented girl is Amy. Talented dead girl soon methinks...
Love the tattoo, AJ!
You talked about earworms earlier...now HER Rehab song is a big earworm song for me! "They tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, no!" Oh boy...now it is gonna be stuck in my head again! I do like that song though.