The Party's (Almost) Over

As everyone probably knows but hasn't given much thought to, I have been participating all month long in the NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month November 2007 ) event, and today is the last day of November. It was trying at times, but I actually did it!! I posted, sometimes even more than one post PER DAY for the whole month! NaBloPoMo's site sported some cool "I Did It" banners, and I selected this cool little "Tattoo" version (since I love tattoos so much). Give me props people!! I did it! Yay! Thanks to everyone over at NaBloPoMo for being so cool, and all the other participants who made it, and even those who simply gave it their all, it's been tons of fun!!! As the month comes to a close, it's time to get all up into Christmas full-swing, right? Some of us have already begun discussing holiday stuff, such as the Fruitcake that I complained about yesterday and probably most of you are talking about drinking in the New Year already! Well, some...