Need Security!! Please, We're insecure!

Well I once worked in a similar type of environment, but it was the Printing Industry. I was on 1st shift, but I have been through my share of 2nd and 3rd as well. Our building was older, a bit run down, and located in the 'ugly' part of town. We all parked our cars in the cozy sort of medium-sized parking lot that was available to us at no charge (unless you lost the initial parking sticker that you were issued)... and guarded by that ever-so trusted guard shack... the one that sat by the open entrance of our lot, just begging for excitement.
Well one fine evening on 2nd shift, excitement paid a visit. Seems that there was some domestic issue (possibly a love triangle if I can remember correctly), and the husband of the woman involved came up to the plant that evening, with a gun, and went in ready to shoot (seems at least someone was armed). Of course this really threw the Printing Company on high-alert, so the very next day we were all called in to a meeting with our boss, who was from Boston (is that short for Boss Town?? hmmm).
His meeting went something like this: "Ay've cahhled all of yous heahh to discuss tha incident that heppen'd yestaday. Now, Ayh knoow yus all hoyyd about it, and it's unda controwwl. Howevah, stahhting this week, please be aweaaah that we'ah gonna have some Aahhhmed Gaahhhds at the front gate to stiffen up tha security around heahhh."
As you can imagine, we all felt 100% more secure after the meeting, and I went on to enjoy a very long career of impersonating my boss from Boston.
LOL! Perfect! Bostonians sound almost as funny as Southerners... ;) Just Kidding! Ya'll sound right nice now, ya hear!
The security where I worked was there more to make sure we didn't kill each other or steal any of the product...not so much to stop intruders.
What with Vermont's regional proximity & all -- we get to make fun of a different Mass-hole almost every day around here!
PS. Amazing picture bellow.
I've worked as a guard several times and was scared shitless anybody would come with a weapon even the times I was packing an M-16, don't think I could shoot unless they really pissed me off!
Love seeing Ralph from Animaniacs here! Miss that show.
We have one unarmed security guard. Actually he's also half unarmed in a way as he only has one arm. He also has a bad leg. I think it's a real one.
We feel so safe.