Great News for Zombies

I found the following little quiz while over at ZigZagMan's place. It was a quiz about what 'rating' your blog would get. His rated an NC-17. Mine is totally just embarrassing. So I moved on to another little quiz... I decided I wanted to see what chance I had of surviving a Zombie Apocolypse.

This is not good news. Looks like I am going to have to step up my game and start a little Zombie preparedness. I need to increase my collection of weapons, maybe do a little target practice (I am really good with guns, but hey I am a little out of practice). I also need to stock up on more 'Apocolypse Food' it would seem. Also, I need to get my fitness level back in good range for running from the zombies... I would be good for MAYBE a mile, then it would be all she wrote.

I don't have much of a problem when it comes to caring what happens to the strangers, or opening doors when I hear a noise, but I would be lagging behind when it came to trying to save a loved one or two. All in all, I have alot of work to do before I would successfully be the last one standing. If you'll excuse me, I must get to work and begin the preparedness, you simply never know when this zombie outbreak might descend upon a city... any city. How prepared are you? ;)


Anonymous said…
I am ready for them,taking a head off with a shovel is ok by me,Wait i think i can hear someone in the cellar.....
JINKS said…
be sure Meg sees this....its in the zombie-pause vein.......gone to take the test.....everyone save yourselves!!!!!!!
ZigZagMan said…
Recommended media...Sean of the Dead....all ya need to know zombie survival!! :)
ZigZagMan said…
just took the test...73% chance......:)
MrRyanO said…
I only got a 45% chance...damn zombies!
Anonymous said…
Everyone did better than me!!! SAVE ME SAVE ME!!! :)

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