Hot and Crummy

This is not a post about a delicious, hot and crummy blueberry muffin!

Still feelin the heat around Memphis these days. For those of you who live in a cooler climate, I am severely jealous of you guys.

Heat is tough in many places I know, but I promise you that Memphis gets this type of "unbearable humidity" that makes it so much worse. I just feel totally crummy!

I can take a lovely shower or bath, and get my make-up on just right, and then I step outside and instantly turn into a puddle of water. I'm not sure if it is normal, but my head/face sweats quite profusely, so my hair get soaked! I simply can't look lovely in this heat-box of a city.

The heat definitely has an impact on our city's homeless, hungry and handicapped people. I've noticed lately that they have taken on a more vicious attitude altogether! ->

I wish I could boast the great words of Major Charles Emerson Winchester 'The Thuhhd', and say:

"I'm a Winchester Honeycutt! A WINCHESTER!!! In the first place, I do not sweat, I Perspire, and in the second place, I DON'T PERSPIRE!" [from M*A*S*H-I love that show].

So, we got our windshields for the bikes. They came in yesterday. Mine is on now, but Richie's had a broken piece to the installation hardware, so he is working on getting the replacement part so he can put his on A.S.A.P.

Since mine was on, of course I had to try it out and see how it was on the bike, so I rode my bike to the practice space to do my keyboard tracks last night. Rode fine, and I actually enjoyed the ride immensely. I think I can tell a decent difference in the wind and at least it helps keep more bugs off me, it doesn't COMPLETELY get rid of the wind in your face feeling, which is fine by me, as long as I'm not totally pelted with bugs and some wind reduction. Anyways, enough about all that I guess.

It is officially "Hump Day". I haven't really referred to it as Hump Day in a while have I? I dunno, I guess things get tired and old so we have to switch it up a bit, but I am revisiting the term. Good day to just have some fun, if you're able to (Whatever Fun is for you). If you want to take the term "hump" literally, then by all means, go for it!

I thought I would continue with a few funny pictures I was able to drag up, depicting people getting "OWNED" or "PWN3D!!" etc... (same thing). Hope you enjoy...

Ever found yourself caught between a Rock and a Hard Place?

I don't know which is more interesting, the retarded looking
guy or the woman about to get smacked in the mouth!

"Two-Car Garage" - You're Doin It WRONG!!!

"Excuse me Sir, that's the wrong window. The "Drive-Thru"
is on the OTHER side of the building."

Bird-catching... you're doin it wrong!!

I think this one just speaks for itself... lol!!!
Alrighty then... Happy Humping Everybody!


Jay said…
You'll have to carry some Windex with you when you go riding now so you can clean off the windshield. Especially if you go riding at night.
Ken Skinner said…
For our sins (actually due to pressing visa issues) we moved from London to Houston for 18 months, arriving in June having never even been to the city before, or, in my case, never having even really been to the South. Getting off the plane was like being hit in the face by a wall of humidity. Intense.

That first summer was miserable from the heat point of view. By the second summer I was actually enjoying it, though it was so obscenely hot all year round leaving the a/c'd bliss of home/office/car would have been madness. In 18 months I think I put on at least 18lbs of fat.

Even in the UK it's a sweaty business wearing a helmet... I can't imagine what it's like during summer in the South!
BBC said…
I would love for it to get hot long enough for me to start bitching about it, I get tired of bitching about the same thing all the time.

So, we got our windshields for the bikes.

Hey, that really cuts down on the bug intake. My last wife would start complaining that she was hungry when we were on a long day trip. Hell, she wasn't sticking her head out around me enough to catch some of her own bugs.
BBC said…
All that free food wasted on a fucking windshield, what a waste. Ha, ha, ha.
Robyn said…
HILARIOUS pictures!
I love the "You're doing it wrong" picture! haha.

I guess I have never really thought about the problematic bug issue while riding a motorcycle, but I'm glad your new old lady windshield is making a difference. ;)
g-man said…
She said hump... heh heh

THe pictures are too funny. :) I'm glad you are groovin on the windshield. I think a photo of you (and Richie) on your bike(s) is on order :)

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