Close-up and Background (WWC)
Dear readers,
It's a lovely crisp day here in the River City. The last two days have been colder than normal, but it is warming up and spring is definitely chasing summer down. We'll be in a swelter before you know it. I'll grin and bear it. Honest I will!
Today it is time for me to share my Weekly Words Challenge (WWC), brought to us by the adorable Tink of Pickled Beef. This weeks words are "Close-up" and "Background".
I didn't have very many photos for this week, but I still put them in a slideshow for the ease of it all... I would like to enter my painting shot (below) as well, because I can say I have a "background" in art. It's not finished yet, I'll share the finished product once done.
On with the slideshow then... and Happy Tuesday Y'all! :)
It's a lovely crisp day here in the River City. The last two days have been colder than normal, but it is warming up and spring is definitely chasing summer down. We'll be in a swelter before you know it. I'll grin and bear it. Honest I will!
Today it is time for me to share my Weekly Words Challenge (WWC), brought to us by the adorable Tink of Pickled Beef. This weeks words are "Close-up" and "Background".
I didn't have very many photos for this week, but I still put them in a slideshow for the ease of it all... I would like to enter my painting shot (below) as well, because I can say I have a "background" in art. It's not finished yet, I'll share the finished product once done.
On with the slideshow then... and Happy Tuesday Y'all! :)
Kcinnova! I was trying to get an interesting angle on the concept. I felt like my shots came up short... but THANKS :)
Katy! I hate to see you leave... hope you will visit and keep in touch when you can!
Reb! Thanks, I am proud that I actually have been getting into the painting groove. I hope the work will continue to improve.
Jay! Thanks, yeah I thought that was an interesting shot.
Well played!