Pleasure of Illusion

(The TGIF Friday Post) Well thank goodness! I reached out to Jinks and she responded. Jinks Posted Everybody! Go Read . Glad to see she's peeking in again, and I'm hoping we can see and read more of her. She's really a fabulous person with alot of cool ideas and she writes very well... This post was just a short one, letting us know what she's been up to for the last few weeks but still, it's a dose of Jinks. Now her blog comments got screwed up one time, so if you read her, and wanna comment you will have to Leave Her Comments Here . She'll really appreciate if you stop by and say hello. What about me?? My sister said the other day, "You must be really busy, you didn't blog today." Yes, if I miss a day or two sometimes people think that there is something wrong with me because I blog a lot. I try to put something down even when I have nothing to say. I don't know why. Maybe it's good, maybe it's just another symptom in this disease. ...