Welcome To December
You know what you can do?? You can just Elf Yourself! I did it, and I made flash movie proof! lol
Seriously, that little Office Max website is having their "elf yourself" function again, and this time you can add up to four elves. So I made my whole family :) Me, Mr. J, Rodney the cat and Salvador Doggie. Enjoy this. I might relax and not post for a day or two, but I don't know. If not, enjoy our Elfmorphosis and play catch up on some of my other posts you might have missed. Don't forget you can play with my search box... LOL Happy December everybody... send me snow!!!
Seriously, that little Office Max website is having their "elf yourself" function again, and this time you can add up to four elves. So I made my whole family :) Me, Mr. J, Rodney the cat and Salvador Doggie. Enjoy this. I might relax and not post for a day or two, but I don't know. If not, enjoy our Elfmorphosis and play catch up on some of my other posts you might have missed. Don't forget you can play with my search box... LOL Happy December everybody... send me snow!!!
Oh .... Is THAT what the kids are calling it these days? ;-) hahaha
its kinda creepy how your face is glued into a smile the whoel time though!