Seven Deadly Facts
I got tagged on this meme a few days ago from Jay Cam (over at Jay's World) Thank you sir! Sorry I'm still running late ;)
The Rules: (which were always made to be broken)
-Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
- Share 7 facts about yourself.
- Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
- Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

My 7 facts:
1. I've always been jealous of Left-Handed People!
2. I work regular day shift all through the week, then stay up mostly all night on weekends (hell on my sleep schedule).
3. I do my best writing (song and otherwise) when I 'channel' Jimi Hendrix ;)
4. I live in my own little fantasy world 90% of the time... lol
5. I would love to spend Christmas in NYC in the snow.
6. I remember numbers, even like my old Marine boyfriend's (the one I was engaged to at nineteen) Ssn.
7. Sometimes my "Id" beats the crap out of my "Ego" and "Superego" and wins!!
Who I'm tagging? Nobody really because I don't feel like tagging. I'll let you take it upon yourself. If you'd like to do this and have never done it before, then TAG!! You're IT!! :)
The Rules: (which were always made to be broken)
-Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
- Share 7 facts about yourself.
- Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
- Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

My 7 facts:
1. I've always been jealous of Left-Handed People!
2. I work regular day shift all through the week, then stay up mostly all night on weekends (hell on my sleep schedule).
3. I do my best writing (song and otherwise) when I 'channel' Jimi Hendrix ;)
4. I live in my own little fantasy world 90% of the time... lol
5. I would love to spend Christmas in NYC in the snow.
6. I remember numbers, even like my old Marine boyfriend's (the one I was engaged to at nineteen) Ssn.
7. Sometimes my "Id" beats the crap out of my "Ego" and "Superego" and wins!!
Who I'm tagging? Nobody really because I don't feel like tagging. I'll let you take it upon yourself. If you'd like to do this and have never done it before, then TAG!! You're IT!! :)
1. I was left handed but The Dragon beat me to use my right - explains a lot eh?
2. I worked regular 2 day 2 nights shifts now Mon-Fri 9-5 as the union convenor. Hate Monday mornings with a vengeance.
3. I do my best writing when I'm pissed.
4. I live in my own little fantasy world 100% of the time... lol
5. I would love to spend Christmas in bed with several bottles of vodka and Kylie Minogue.
6. I don't remember hardly anything from '77 - '83 ish
7. Sometimes my "Id" is drunk, sometimes my "Ego" is drunk and sometimes my "Superego" is drunk. Usually it's all three...
Jay, we all like you here too. Wait but I forgot this is a fantasy world too :O