The Force

Yeah, may it be with you... you know, "The Force". Mine is surely not. Something is draining the very life force from me in more ways than one. It feels delicious, it feels miserable. By day's end I am spectacularly worn to a frazzle, short-circuited... In Love with a capital Hate. I'm sick of it all, and also I want seconds. What is it? Existence, fate, destino!!! It's deliciously, maliciously poisoned. Where we'll end up and what we know to be the truth may change from day-to-day. I'm gonna let it melt in my mouth, and savor the maniacal flavor.

Tired of being bored, rotting and preparing for death all around. Gonna stop worrying about it all and just lie back and stop swimming against the tide... just until I float way beyond oblivion (or go over the edge, whichever happens first). ;)

Just an FYI y'know...


Jay said…
I think it has a lot to do with the season. Grey, cold, dreary days. Very little sunshine. And everybody is so stressed out.
Jackie, I come flying in with a trailer of snow for your living room and a great BIG hug from one "Speedcat Hollydale".
Think about the happiest things in your memory, and let them filter into your heart. So many bright days are ahead for you.

I'm bringing my sled too :-)

Your friend, Eric
Furtheron said…
Very wintery make over...

That's a great picture. Oh you not that cat. Well the cat one is good as it's funny....

I'll just shut up
Feeling exactly the same right now. Sometimes you get fed up of fighting the world.

Let's get off the damn thing for a bit eh?

Hope things start looking up. Going with the flow is a good plan. Relax and let life take you.
Anonymous said…
It's kinda tiring swimming against the tide, but don't loose hope :-)
R.E.H. said…
Trying to go with the flow myself... really feel everything is piling up against me right now, with the job and everything...

I can relate to this post ;)
g-man said…
The contradictions of life. That is another reason to look forward to the bliss of sound sleep.
Awaiting said…
I didn't even read the look so gorgeous, I just couldn't read a word!

Ok, going to read now! :)
Tink said…
LMAO. Omg, that cat DOES look like Yoda! Freaky. Great picture of you btw. I'm with Jay. I think these feelings have everything to do with the season. Always at this time of year I consider quiting the blog. There are just too many other things going on.

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