Shove Me In the Shallow Water...

Before I Get Too Deep. Does anyone else experience it? The 'after-holiday-what-the-hell-day-is-this' syndrome? I, being out an extra day for the holiday have been all screwed up. Thought it was Tuesday, then I thought it was Thursday yesterday, so today (yesterday's tomorrow) would be Friday. Nope it's just Thursday... which is just fine with me.

Mr. X and I have been trying to get back on track (literally) to the tune of waking up at 5:00 a.m. for our first-morning cardio/fat blast workout, and then still doing our weight lifting 3 days a week... In the midst of this we're cutting down on carbs. After lifting, however, you need--and can have the carbs. Believe you me-i'd lift 9 days a week if I can eat my carbs!! So no flavored coffee for me today, no candies (as if I didn't have enough of this stuff during Christmas time). It's hard getting completely back in the swing... But when your clothes begin to loosen and fall off-it always makes you feel 110% better. (The guy in this silly photo? I don't know, nobody to me. But I really like his shirt!!)

Funny for the day: If I were a bear, this would be me. ;)


Chelly said…
I had major "what day is this?" type problems this week. In fact, I've had "what year is this" problems as well....writing 2007 instead of 2006 has not come easy just yet.
Anonymous said…
5 a.m.?? I read that it's just as important to get enough sleep. Hope you're going to bed early, too!
Anonymous said…
I get that a lot,my days go missing and what with working shifts the week blends in to it's self leaving me asking "what day is it?" a lot.Best to just try to catch a look at the papers to keep up to date i reckon.

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