Musical Monday

Hey guys, I'll be pretty busy today... I'm going to try and concentrate and get a good bit done. I thought instead of "Mute Monday", that Mondays would be a hell of a lot better when set to music. Even better when it's set to the tune of Joan Jett and the Blackhearts' "Cherry Bomb".

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend... do tell! Meanwhile, turn it up and Rock it!!


Divian said…
Hope you have one fab week...and keep your fingers crossed for me! I hope to be busy one day...and not just from running after kids! :)
Anonymous said…
Oh Awaiting, I know that you'll be fine. You have to get that job. I can't wait to hear some good news from your edge of the forrest ;)
Chalice said…
Its been a lonnnnnggggg time since I have heard that song! Great Choice!

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