Some Like It Hot

There are people that revel in the summer heat... I am not one of them. This Memphis helter-swelter has been dragging me down. Our air conditioner has just not been able to cope, even when I walk into the house I'm not getting any relief. Last night, I took a cold bath. That's right, as much as I like a hot-boiling bubble bath soak, I reclined back, basking in the chilly water until I felt like my body temperature had significantly reduced.

Also, I don't know if it is partially the heat, but I have just been drained of all energy. I've been Dog Tired... I don't feel like moving. I wake up and just want to lay there, not moving a muscle. But I force myself out of bed and drag my 'zombified' ass through the house, searching for clothes to wear, and knowing I'm going to sweat to death and smell like a swamp by the time I get home. I can't take it anymore. I am so ready for fall.

Mr. J says I have been "extra-cranky" and irritable the last few days. He thinks I'm a lazy whiner. I don't mean to be, but I'm just miserable and tired, and hoping that it isn't a symptom of something worse... So you guys help me out here, is it hot in here or is it just me??

Shiny Happy People

Shiny Happy People is a song by R.E.M.. It takes me back to the early 1990s, and some very cool memories. Not my favorite song in the world, but the sentimentality of the feelings I guess, although I do like R.E.M. pretty well. I never did like the "Man on the Moon" stuff though, I don't like the movie, and I don't like Jim Carey's work much anymore. He's gotten far too morose. Not that I mind "morose", I just don't think Jim Carey should be doing those roles. He's never been one of my favorite actors anyway. At any rate, just sharing... have a great evening.


I like it hot. I get naked - when Jax isn't around! Not a pretty sight.....
Aunt Jackie said…
Hehe Four Dinners, don't be hard on yourself... save the goodies for the important folks! I bet Caz has no complaints!
Anonymous said…
My darling...
You'll smell like a swamp.
I'll smell like a musky rat.
We're perfect.
Awaiting said…
Ok. You are not too far from understand my pain with the heat! :)
Anonymous said…
A hot weather makes me feel exactly the way you just described in your post. And I'm sure you didn't say it, but it KILLS ME. Send me over to a snow-packed mountain or over to Antarctica. Better than become a puddle of water infused with laziness and boredom. All because of the heat. *lol* And yes, Jim Carrey's better off being the funny guy.
Walk around naked all day and you will feel better. ;-)
Aunt Jackie said…
Blondie: You are right, that does sound perfect! :) Send me over some of that "Mankind" so I can cover the swamp with musk ;) lol

Awaiting: True, we are two sisters in Hell it would seem. I can't wait until we get a rain... I'm bout' to be running naked through a sprinkler. People save your children!!!

Anna: I'm moving too, when do we leave.

Ole Blue: See above comment; Sprinklers are cool... literally!! ;)

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