Think Ink

As previously requested, I'm including my finished Celtic "Tree of Life" tattoo... although it is complete, i'm not satisfied as you sometimes lose ink in such a tedious spot (dead center of my shoulder blades/back)... so I'm going to have it touched up soon... but here you go... Have a good one.


Sara said…
Tree Of life, How lovely..
Aunt Jackie said…
Thanks... I like it. Just feel bad that I got some faded spots. Will have it touched up because I want it to be really clean... Glad u like it :)
Chelly said…
Wow! You're so cool AJ!
Aunt Jackie said…
Ahhh everybody's "cool Aunt Jackie" hehe... So o.k. where the heck is Cappy? He's the main reason I put that up too, and he's a no show **raises eyebrow**
me said…
i am here, and i appreciate it. as i have pointed out before, i work nights so i am a day behind all the time!

i like. lots!

and as for word veri, the best i have ever seen was dgfkka (add a couple of vowels!)

todays here is...isiya. (i see ya)
Aunt Jackie said…
Ahahaha!! dgfkka... good one Cappy. Hey thanks, I just didn't want you to miss it, you all have a terrific day!!

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