Word verification words aren't always notable, but one that I just ran across today I thought was pretty good. "Furmpeyn"... hmmm, I could make some things out of that. "Doc, I got a furmpeyn in my chest, right about here." Or perhaps, "I was at the grocery store, and I ran into this Furmpeyn man (literally) with my basket, and he cussed me out!!! Good thing I don't know the language, because he'd have been in for it!" And of course I can't ignore the f... "Honey when you get home tonight, you're so getting furmpeyn!!!" [What?!? o.k. so I got bored--i'm sure you can come up with a few too] :)
"Kids, just be nice to grandma...I know she's been a little furmpeyn lately, but she's still your grandma."
Indoors-Yes, don't you think that would be a fun idea? I have seen some pretty workable ones.