The Monday Report
Future Real American Hero!
I Believe The Children Are Our Future... lol
My little nephew Blade is quite a kid, he's only 2 yrs old but he already tries to drive everything, and there isn't anything that he doesn't think he can tackle (and he tries!) The photo above was taken at 'home' when I visited Mom the other day. My niece and her husband were there, he was helping do some yard stuff for Mom, and Brandy had the baby there. So of course he was a handful and needed close observation. If nothing else, so that he wouldn't run out and try to follow his dad on the tractor while he was trying to do the bushhogging.
That would've been a nice disaster to start the week off right. However, once his dad finished up, he did give him a ride on the tractor, which seemed to make him happy enough for the moment. Please note that he got up on this piece of machinery all by himself, no lie. He also attempted to crank it, but his efforts were thwarted by his dad very quickly. I'm merely waiting for the day when we do get a story about him driving to town at 4 years of age or something like that. He'll make all the papers, so be watching for that.
Other than that, you also know that I rode my bike a lot over the weekend, and the weather was plenty peachy for it. We also did some work on the pool in an attempt to lessen the eco system that we had growing back there. Several bullfrogs, toads and others, along with millions of tadpoles. You know me, I saved what I could and there were some that i couldn't. Such it the circle of life, but I still didn't like it.
No sign of "Mr. Snake" in the pool though, maybe he made his way over to the big lake to rejoin his family. I'm sure he'll be kind enough to visit.
Back to work it was today after such a short-lived weekend, and they all are. I just tried my best to relax and enjoy all the "deep breaths" and sighs that I could, and take a couple of mindless soaks in my claw foot bathtub. But inevitably, I had to start another week.
Had a slight "burp" though over the weekend as you may have noticed with the posting, while I am trying for daily posting for the June "NaBloPoMo". I cheated on one spot but I am going to try to keep with the regularity of it.
Speaking of burps, Mr. J has begun recording a new doom-type show, it is called "1000 Ways To Die". ('Great. Just Great' I thought, 'another doomsday dude series') The show is on Spike TV (if you're familiar with that), and you should check it out if you like that sort of thing.
The episode that I watched was called "Gut Busted" (Click Here or the pic To Watch -Yuck!).
So the girl hauls off and gives him a good sock in the gut and he basically just keeled over and kicked the proverbial bucket (o'chicken).
Then the scientific dude comes back and said that basically with the condition of this guy's stomach, ulcers and all, when she hit him his stomach exploded and emptied out into the body... and The End... I was just horrified and grossed out too. With my paranoid and over analytical nature, I just don't need to watch stuff like this.
Later on that night, as we were preparing to go to bed, Mr. J casually mentioned that he couldn't stop burping and I had a super-holistic hissy fit and nearly called 9-1-1. HAHA!!
No worries, he was fine, he lived to burp another day. He says I can't watch that show anymore.
Now I am basically about to finish up a few things and wrap it up over here, not sure what the evening will hold in Aunt Jackie-ville but I'm sure it will be worth blogging about later. If not, I will try to find a way to make it interesting. :)
Just what we need, another 'reality' show.
I liked to drive stuff when I was a kid too. Go Blade.
@Furtheron: Yeah I know right!!
@g-man: LOL I know, I hate that stuff. Yep I've been driving since I was 2 years old. But really.
@Gramps: Awww don't let that happen!!! Y'all keep living it up!