Two Peas In A Podcast

I am a lot like my Mother in many ways, unfortunately I didn't get her striking beauty and small petite figure, but I mirror her in personality where it counts... This is my official "Mother's Day Post". Hope you all enjoyed your day, have a listen to my Mother's Day Podcast... hope you like!


The Preacherman said…
wish I had a mum like that.

Beautiful babe xx
Jay said…
UR accent is hawt. ;-)
Great Mom. Your voice....if I give you my number would you call me and never stop talking. ;-)
Aunt Jackie said…
Thanks manic! ;) So sweet.

Jaylicious! Thanks :O I never think so but that's cool of you to say. :)

Ole Blue! Yes, she's great... would have adopted everyone if she could.
Awww that's sweet to say, I appreciate it... If I had the time I would ! :)
Chelly said…
Jackie!! That was awesome. So nice to hear your beautiful voice. I wish I had a southern accent. We just kinda sound bland up here. :)

Your mom sounds lovely. Cheers to her!


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