What Condition My Condition Is In
Who's crazy?? Of course I'm crazy... what did you think?

Personality Disorder Test Results
personality tests by similarminds.com
Other than that, we got things ready yesterday for Mr. J's big barbecue, he smoked some ribs and all, I cleaned house, prepared and then what happened?? His family and friends didn't even show. One had mistaken the day, one was going to a wedding (he neglected to inform about when being invited by Mr. J), one just opted to hit up the strip club (where he was going to blow his money & still not get laid, please be honest with yourself) instead of coming over for free food and good times with his pal. The family just sort of flopped on him. The only people that did show were our Drummer and his girlfriend (Memphis photographer and actress, Meggy).
So we sat around, ate good food and had good times then just the four of us. Even they thought it was shitty that none of his friends showed that he invited.
All's well that ends well I always say, and on that note the weekend is coming to a close once again and I am staring another Monday straight in the eyeballs. However, due to "Good Friday", it is a four-day week... Easter Bunny is visiting this weekend, so that means visiting home and seeing which family members even make it for the holiday, which is dwindling steady by year as well. Life happens, so what can you do...
Have a safe week everyone. -AJ x
But, crazy chicks are always hot. ;-)
I like oids.... ;-)
well...not haemorroids but other oids....
If you meet someone in the middle on everything - you'll kill them, they'd be the most boring person in the world probably.
I was intrigued that my profile was fairly close to me that was the bit I thought - bloody hell! I've spent months in rehab, 1000s to shrinks etc. and all I needed was a stupid web quiz? :-)
BBC - what about stupid and crazy is that okay? :-)
I think actually being crazy and too clever is the most dangerous bit...
Bummer on the no-shows. I'd have climbed over hill and dale for some ribs and beer! MMmmmm.
Thank goodness!