As Mr. J and I were coming back from having a bite to eat last night, we were immersed in a blanket of heavy fog, could barely see the road, and of course this condition only made bigger assholes out of the other drivers. Ah well, still foggy as far as I know. Our weather sucks... at least last year we got the ONE little snow albeit in February, was our first and last. This year it looks like I am not even going to get a flake. I am living in the wrong area of the country. I know, most people hate snow. I don't though, I miss it very badly. Why can't it snow here!!!?!? All we get is shitty fog and rain.
In other news,
Mike Myers is coming out with a new movie, entitled "The Love Guru" it should be out June 20th. I cannot wait! I love practically everything Mike Myers has ever done! This looks to be quite funny... Check out the trailer.
Oh, and Happy March everybody!
I like the housekeeper quote. I gave three homes away rather than fight over them and give attorneys a lot of money. So I lost a lot of money, so what? It's just money.
Many times I've had to drive 18 wheelers through thick fog, it's spooky, glad I don't have to do that anymore.
And, now I realized I am yet to see the King adaption of "The Mist". Hmmm...