All Signs Point To Yes

Basically, though, isn't it terrible that one might be inclined to sit back and appear cautiously skeptical when things go right? Shouldn't we be able to embrace a "good day" with open arms?? Why was I so taken by surprise by this? I know I tend to feel like I have 'not-so-great' luck on a daily basis, and there are millions of tiny things that always appear to be out to get me. So, I'm not going to question it, but rather enjoy it.
But, let me just say this: "I don't understand what's wrong with everyone these days (many in the world, but mainly those around me). The whole world seems to have fallen on its face!!"
That being said, I would like to hear from YOU guys today. As I've been in my "Dark Place" (Stuart from Mad TV) lately, I've been reflecting on loss, grief and how others deal with it. My family doesn't seem to deal with it very well.
What is your experience? Have any of you experienced or dealt with a major loss or extremely traumatic event in your life? If so, how did you deal with it? Did it make you a space-alien version of your former self? Did you learn to appreciate the family or loved ones that you had left and make the most of time with them? Or did you obsess over the loss and let it eat you alive inside, and begin to take for granted those people that you were still so lucky to have, thus separating yourself from them?
If you haven't been through any such grief as of yet, how do you think you would handle it?
Let me hear from you... maybe something that you say will elicit a much-needed renewal of spirit for someone. Maybe it will wake someone up from their senseless stupor.
Strangely, my horoscope says...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
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loving thoughts are with you x
"I pray for the strength to accept that lives most often end in tragedy, that quests don't always work, that understanding is a long and lonely hunt, that I can't reason my way to love, eat gold, or live forever. And that none of this matters. I pray to understand that I am here to find my way back to God, whatever that takes, and all the rest, save love and duty, is an illusion."
by John Taylor Gatto
Thanks for dropping by.
Well, I would give advice but I don't think i can give any better than you already have and know yourself. You said it to close to home with that excerpt above.
I can say that something that always makes me feel better or gets me out of the dark place is when I dress up in a clown suit and go to a non-denominational church...
Take it easy jaXXXXXXXXXX as I know you will. Write a song for someone. Hell, write a song for me if you can't think of anything else.
Anyway, see ya' on the flip side...
Over time, it got better. I still miss him just as much, but the hurt has gotten a bit easier to deal with.
Grief, we all deal with on our own accord...we do things differently, and only you can battle those emotions you feel inside.
I will never forget my father, but I know now he is gone. But I do find comfort in knowing that he is not suffering anymore, and that to me, is the biggest thing that matters.
Now to read the rest of your blog. :o
If the Dragon'd do me the courtesy of shufflin off it'd be PARTY TIME!!!!
my father was brutally murdered when I was 11. he was very much an integral part of me through my nightmares until 6 years ago when I said to him "time for you to go Dad!...I love you but can't wait for you to return. I have to get on with my life!" Since then I've flourished with the understanding that he will always be with me but not haunting me like he did for 17 years.
BIG hug, take the time you need to reflect without pressure from anyone and talking about helps so much!
You are all so sweet...
Thanks Blu, mine's been busy but o.k. today... :) AJ