The End Only Starts A New Beginning

Good day to you all, this is my very first post of 2008. I put up a small one of course on New Years Eve, just well wishes and all. Then I took yesterday off, went home to Mom's, and had the usual "Black Eyed Peas" for lunch which is supposed to be good luck and all... Food was good, and two other sisters showed up so we almost had a little family thing going on... Mom seemed happy to have some of her daughters together... Deb, the one who just had a birthday on 12/28 if you recall, she brought her dog "GT" with her. Jeanne, well being such a "Big E" fan, her English Bulldog is named "Elvis", so he was with her. I felt left out not bringing my Salvador Dali namesake!!! :)

Anyways, I think maybe Tink (of Pickled Beef) had planned to do something similar with the WWC this week, and I'm not sure... So I will put my official entry in nonetheless. I didn't have time to give any thought to this week's words, "Brown" and "Pattern", but I will share with you instead my slide show of the shots that I TOOK on New Year's Eve (which has both brown AND patterns everywhere!). We had a great time, good food, music by The Misfits, Black Flag, Sex Pistols, Mr. Bungle, and a few others. In attendance were Myself and Mr. J of course, Meg and Rob, Kim and Allen, and Richie's friends, Chris and Kenneth... a few more were aware and invited but that's who showed up.

We were well blessed to get the chance to hear from Four Dinners on the phone several times, and he was "well pissed" (that's English talk for "Hey everyone, I'm Hammered!!!"), and Cappy rang us too!!! They were all having a nice time, and were sweet enough to take time out of their own lives to wish us Happy New Year... It was a great evening, ending a pretty nice year... Here's to 2008, may it be a good one full of opportunities unmissed, hopes un-shattered, and dreams fulfilled!

Enjoy a few scenes from the last moments of our year... Goodbye 2007!

If you can't view the slideshow above, Click Here. x


Jay said…
Hey, you changed your template again. I like it!

Enjoyed the pictures very much.
Tink said…
I love the "Who farted?!" shot. And the composition of Memphis Meg is awesome. Lovely pics as usual girl. Happy New Year!
Aunt Jackie said…
Jay, Thanks!! Glad you like it. I thought I would go "more legible" in 08!! Glad you enjoyed pics!

Tink, thanks the "who farted" was what I got the first time I tried to get "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil". Gotta take advantage of the happy accidents n'all. :)

Awaiting said…
We had black eyed peas here too. And gumbo. And hamhock and pigfeet which I do NOT eat. But I did eat a bowl of blackeyed peas and cornbread!
Jay said…
happy 2008!

i felt so abused by that picture of a cat?dog?raccoon? butt

i still don't know what it belongs to!!!
Karen said…
hmmmm....not sure if my prior comment has been eaten by the blogger world. But - I like the new template and your slide show was great. Looks like you had a great night with your friends.
Furtheron said…
New Year - New template.

Maybe I should change mine - it's been the same for 2 years now! Boring!

Nice pics
me said…
hey there!
happy new year and thanks for ringing me back! i'd hate to see your bill!
hope you have a cracking year, and tell your other half to go easy on the sammuel smiths!
g-man said…
Excellent slide show. Gotta love good friends booze and a camera! I had to laugh at the last slide!! Happy New Year!!
Anonymous said…
Nice photos! Happy New year to you :-)
I rang you? It's a blur....Have I married Ritchie yet? and if so where's my beer?

had a ball babe x

Ritchie send beer Dinners want beer.

I think I'll stalk him now until he does ;-)
Cindi said…
Love the new look of your blog! I wish I could figure out how to change mine. I enjoyed your slide show too!
Anonymous said…
Foot shots...Yeeahhh

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