Funday is the First Day of the Week

Yes, I've officially changed the name of Monday to "Funday". If you can't beat em', join em... right? Why worry about all of the things you have no control over?? Why let things get to you and stress you out causing mental and physical harm to yourself?? Worrying only hurts you... Everyone else just goes on with their lives... so let's boycott the stress, the guilt and the worry. If you've ever seen "Office Space", you'll know that the main character "Peter", just decided that he was tired of it all and just not going to do any of it anymore... Wouldn't that be great?? We can at least try... Oh, well I'm feeling some better in the way of Holiday thinking (sort of as I stated above). I'll just do what I can do, and the rest i'll leave for someone else to stress over :) Is that person going to be you?? Or will you join me in the ranks of the 'Let it Flow" movement?? It's your health... hehe. Well, i'll see you on the other side! Meanwhile, view a quick clip from "Office Space", and i'll be back in a bit.


However said…
I like Funday much better! I'll also join you in the Let it Flow movement! :)
Anonymous said…
I want my Red Stapler...or I am going to burn this place down......I mean it.

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