Hot and Crummy

This is not a post about a delicious, hot and crummy blueberry muffin! Still feelin the heat around Memphis these days. For those of you who live in a cooler climate, I am severely jealous of you guys. Heat is tough in many places I know, but I promise you that Memphis gets this type of "unbearable humidity" that makes it so much worse. I just feel totally crummy! I can take a lovely shower or bath, and get my make-up on just right , and then I step outside and instantly turn into a puddle of water. I'm not sure if it is normal, but my head/face sweats quite profusely, so my hair get soaked! I simply can't look lovely in this heat-box of a city. The heat definitely has an impact on our city's homeless, hungry and handicapped people. I've noticed lately that they have taken on a more vicious attitude altogether! -> I wish I could boast the great words of Major Charles Emerson Winchester 'The Thuhhd', and say: "I'm a Winchester Honeycutt! A W...