Strange Brew

Have you ever noticed that all of the old remedies taught to you by your mother, grandmother, great-grandmother (or the fathers) and so forth work better than any over-the-counter product you can buy? Well if you are saying "No" right now, then you need to get in touch with your roots child! I was just thinking about this today as I read this article entitled: 19 Bizarre Home Cures That Really Work . One of the ones that stood out from this to me was about Duct tape. You know we have all made the joking generalization at times that Duct tape works for everything. In fact a popular saying is, "There are only two things you need in life, Duct Tape and WD40. If doesn't move and should, use WD40. If it moves and shouldn't use the Duct Tape." lol It's funny but in a lot of ways kind of true! :) So just when I thought I knew all of the uses for the stuff, besides the obvious ones, we find: Home cure: Duct tape Use it for: Warts Yes, this re...