E-mail Etiquette: Before YOU Forward!
In Lieu of my painful misunderstanding, the latest "Fiasco", please remember not to send me forwards anymore if at all possible. If you simply MUST include me in your next e-mail forward, or anyone else for that matter, then please read this article.
Learn How To Protect Privacy Of Those In Your E-mails.
Mistakes can easily happen. An accidental "Reply All" when attempting to be helpful can land you in hot water with someone very quickly... as it did with me. By hiding the e-mails in the B.C.C. field, nobody else can see them, much less "reply all" and create a bad situation.
It is the responsibility of someone upon forwarding an e-mail to keep their intended recipients private. Being "in the know" helps. So please read the article above, and be informed so you don't get into some real trouble like I did.
Mistakes do happen, and everyone deserves a chance to explain themselves... really. So if you guys happen to read this, please know that I am sorry again for the crazy misunderstanding, and I meant no harm. Even I didn't cuss anybody out, while I got cussed out and called some really bad names over a mistake.
Learn How To Protect Privacy Of Those In Your E-mails.
Mistakes can easily happen. An accidental "Reply All" when attempting to be helpful can land you in hot water with someone very quickly... as it did with me. By hiding the e-mails in the B.C.C. field, nobody else can see them, much less "reply all" and create a bad situation.
It is the responsibility of someone upon forwarding an e-mail to keep their intended recipients private. Being "in the know" helps. So please read the article above, and be informed so you don't get into some real trouble like I did.
Mistakes do happen, and everyone deserves a chance to explain themselves... really. So if you guys happen to read this, please know that I am sorry again for the crazy misunderstanding, and I meant no harm. Even I didn't cuss anybody out, while I got cussed out and called some really bad names over a mistake.
Anyway, I'm still here, I was trying to tell you that in previous comments - I'm at wordpress now. Click on my name here in the comments and it should take you over to my new blog home. Hope to see you there! :)
Freakazojd (formerly of freakypalace.blogspot)
Freakazojd! Thanks, I'm glad you are still gonna be around. Sorry for not catching that, I'll change out your linky!
He no longer has a job.
So earlier this year, I decided to do something about it and with the help of some close investor friends created www.forwardon.com.
The website was just opened up for public last week. It's a way to prevent viruses, reduce bandwidth usage and help go-green and charities with email forwards.
I hope this will turn email forwards in to something positive.
So sorry...
Some email programmes allow you to customise the buttons so you can remove reply all and forward from your default toolbar.
I've done that - at least if I do it now it makes me go to the menu to find them - that way I have to think about it not do it by accident or carelessly.
Happy Halloween!
Now, I only use "reply all" when it is a group e-mail discussion and specifically requested.
I use Outlook Express to send emails to friends like you, and some of them are BCC emails.
And I can see if mails that you send me are BBC'd
The thing about Outlook Express is that if I want to I can open the email, click on File, Properties, and then the details tab and see who all you sent the email too.
Not that I care who your fucking friends are, ha ha ha.