To A Tee and Ask AJ

Further through the day, I have been in the mood to listen to books on audio. There's just something relaxing about listening to someone read a story or a book. Not that I mind reading myself, as there are times and places that I love to revel in the silence and frolic in that land limited only by my own imagination while reading a great written work.
Therefore, at lunchtime, I listened to a bit of my copy of Jack Kerouac's "On The Road", narrated by Matt Dillon (which I will overlook in the interest of enjoying Kerouac's story). lol

Ok on more to my original idea for today's discussion...
Blogging is a busy business, I guess for some it is a "business", and others just a pastime or more akin to keeping a Journal, or just writing for practice or relaxation.
For me, it's a few of those I guess, of course not "business" since I seem to have the money-making and traffic-drawing potential of a tree stump. I actually started this thing on a lark, just to have a log-in name to comment on a Niece's photo blog, and decided to dabble around with it and have become quite sweet on my "Deep In The Forrest". It is my hope that you have too.
At any rate, along the way I have put up a few photos of interesting places, historic and otherwise, such as "The Castle", "Tater Red's", along with other things that we've discussed that a few of you have expressed further interest in.
I thought I might try to address some of these, and pass along a bit of knowledge.
Most recently, and what gave me this idea, Kcinnova asks in regard to my "Procrastination" post, "Thank you for posting this. I no longer feel so alone, because you just described me to a 'T' ...why do we use the letter 'T' anyway? I suspect you just described me to a 'P' -- a giant 'P' for Procrastinator extraordinaire."
I knew about T-squares, having a background in graphic design as I do, but I further ventured to look it up.
What is the origin of "suits to a T"? "suits to a tee"? (Etymology)
TO A T - "We use this expression very commonly in the sense of minute exactness, perfection; as, the coat fits to a T; the meat was done to a T. It is easy to dismiss the origin of the expression as, I am sorry to say, some of our leading dictionaries do, by attributing it to the draftsman's T-square, which is supposed to be an exact instrument, but the evidence indicates that the expression was in common English use before the T-square got its name. 'To a T' dates back to the seventeenth century in literary use and was undoubtedly common in everyday speech long before any writer dared to or thought to use it in print. But it is likely that the name of the instrument, 'T-square,' would have been in print shortly after its invention, yet the first mention is in the eighteenth century. The sense of the expression corresponds, however, with the older one, 'to a tittle,' which appeared almost a century earlier, and meant 'to a dot,' as in 'jot or tittle.' Beaumont used it in 1607, and it is probably that colloquial use long preceded his employment of the phrase..." From "2107 Curious Word Origins, Sayings & Expressions from White Elephants to a Song and Dance" by Charles Earle Funk (Galahad Books, New York, 1993).
My next post will give further detail about "Tater Red's" voodoo shop... I'll put that up tomorrow.
Meanwhile, I task you, my readers with this request: Send me other topics, things that you have seen or read about on my blog that you would like to know more about. What interests you??
We'll just call this "Ask AJ" time... where I will answer any questions or give more research into something I have put up on the blog... We could even dedicate a certain day to it. How about Thursdays?? Submit to me what you'd like featured and answered and it will go up in each Thursday's "Ask AJ" segment...
What do you think??
Your recent Healer post - tell us more about that.
I like the Ask AJ Thursdays...
I would have thought a t square too, who knew? :) Ok well someone did...
"On the Road" is one of my favorite books of all time. I believe there is a movie in the works and I hope they do it justice.
And I'm with FuriousBall. I think we need video of Jaxxx in the VooDoo Shop.
Questions for Aunt Jackie? Hmm ... I'm going to have to think about this.
Hey, just asking.
Barnze, thats really cool.
Yeah you guys think up some stuff you wanna ask.
BBC: cool it :)
I am working with BBC Audiobooks America to launch an Audiobook Club. I’m in the process of trying to find some like-minded bloggers to help them get the word out.
I am attaching their press release for you to look over, but essentially it is an online book club open to anyone that will culminate in an online discussion to take place at the end of the month via their Facebook Group page. The first audiobook selection is Jaws by Peter Benchley – just in time for some summer “reading”.
Their group page is located here:
Do you think this might be some fodder on your blog? I’d really appreciate any boost you might be able to give! Thanks so much for your consideration!
Pam Maloney