
My Father is in I.C.U., where they wanted to keep him through today, so they could watch the condition closely. His cat scans did indeed show bleeding on the brain, and he had hit his head with the fall. They weren't completely sure whether there was already some bleeding in the brain and that might have contributed to the fall, or whether it was just from the fall, but they considered that it was serious. So far he's doing ok, and the swelling seems to be going down. As long as that goes down completely and the bleeding stops it should be good... if anything happens otherwise, or there is a need for surgery it could be serious given his diabetes, age and conditions. It looks hopeful though! I appreciate your wonderful thoughts, prayers and support through the situation, and so does my family. I guess after they're done with him in I.C.U., he'll be moved to a room, and I hope his stay won't be too long. He longs for his big screen T.V. and his "TV Land" ch...