The World Upside-Down

When I was a child, I used to enjoy hanging semi-upside-down from swings, and sometimes just looking at things from the floor in an upside-down way, you know, to see it from a different perspective. When looking upside down, it seemed like the ceiling became the floor, and all of the doors were flip-flopped, and I dreamed up an entire universe almost, just from seeing things from this strange vantage point. To me, it made all things possible... limited only by my child's imagination.

As I floated there in this state, would try to imagine what it would be like to exist in this reverse plane of existence. Even outside, where the ground became the sky and the sky became a vast, infinite field of clouds, I was mesmerized. It was eye-openingly beautiful.

Sometimes as adults, we get so caught up in trying to figure out a solution to our problems that we lose sight of the truth. "What is the truth?" you might ask. Well, I feel that the truth is many different things to each one of us. What's true for me, might not necessarily be true for you. We have to figure out our own path, our reason for existence, the solution to our problems.

While we can sometimes become bright beacons, shedding light on others' paths, and maybe inspire them to find fantastic solutions, we can't do all of the work!

When our search for answers gets us so stressed out that we do get 'burned out', or we seem to encounter a creative block, feeling like we will never be able to move forward again, that's the perfect time to change our perspective. If we color outside the lines a bit, or maybe go and hang upside down for a while we might see things in a refreshingly enlightened new way. It may be just the perfect cure. What have you been frustrating yourself for endless hours searching for?

Go for a swing today and visit the upside-down world. The only limits you'll find there are the ones set by YOU.

“Believe those who are seeking the truth.

Doubt those who find it.” ~Andre Gide


Anonymous said…
A swing,it does make me feel so young again, especially leaning back and looking at the sky. Thanks for reminding me.
Thanks for visiting Secret Story Time too.

Jay said…
"What have you been frustrating yourself for endless hours searching for?"

Oh nothing important. Just things like the meaning of life. ;-)
Chelly said…
Nice post. I needed this reminder today. xo
Well said!!

I used to lay on my bed and look up at the ceiling and imagine the house that way, with doorways you had to step over to go from room to room. It was clutter-free up there.
Furtheron said…
Great post, makes me think.

I certainly feel the "burned out" bit, largely as I feel I have used a lot of energy over the last many years that has achieved for me very little but simply oiling the wheels of industry - now I realise that my satisfaction is never to be satisfied by that. Some may get that through the big, powerful, influencial job but I won't I seen the game revealed for what it is for me.

However I won't do the upside down thing... not with my balance hassles :-)
Aunt Jackie said…
@Secretia, yes and thanks! It is so important to hold on to pieces of childhood, the magic ones at least. :)

@Jay, I thought you had that one down! :) j/k Yes that's the quest, but we'll all find it eventually.

@Chells, Thanks lovely lady! I'm glad you enjoyed.

@Kc, I understand the thoughts on that, I think I did the same. Cool.

@Further, we both must be going through similar 'burn out' feelings eh? Now regarding your Vertigo, one doesn't have to hang upside down, just find a way to open your mind to signs and solutions that might be staring you in the face.

There are plenty of ways to change our perspective, or perception of reality. Only we can make it happen!
furiousBall said…
a change in perspective might not reveal the truth, but you might spot the path to get there
Aunt Jackie said…
@furious, so true. It's just something to help keep moving forward and accomplishing goals.
JennyMac said…
SUCH a great reminder. :)
BBC said…
I'm taking the camper and spending the day on a beach tomorrow, maybe I'll fly one of my kites.

This morning I posted a video of me using my new wood splitter, and how not to use it, ha ha ha
BBC said…
Oh nothing important. Just things like the meaning of life. ;-)

Camping and avoiding close relationships with females works for me.
Reb said…
What a great reminder of times when life was simpler. I think I need to go hang upside down - off my bed though. Too cold outside to find a swing :)
Margo said…
I had some sinus issues a couple of years back and the doc told me to hang my head backwards over the side of the bed. that's what it took to get me to remember how great it was to be upside down. Fast forward to this year and I even forgot to lay down under the Christmas tree - just because my kids are getting older and aren't into it. Thanks for the fabulous reminder.

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