Ten Guilty Pleasures

I figure I've been fixated on downers... depressing stuff lately, and I thought I would try to do something a little different. I haven't been tagged to do this, and it isn't a tag or "meme" (although I was tagged a few days back by Speedcat Hollydale, and just never had the chance to sit down and think it all out. Sorry Speedy! :(

This title or idea I found while just browsing around a while back, and saved it as "ideas".

I give you, on behalf of my ID, I suppose, even though it's not 'bizarro', 10 of my Guilty Pleasures (in no particular order).

Guess we'll start at #10. Just Cuz.

10. R&B Slow Jams

9. Ice Cream

8. My Z Memories

7. Getting all 'made up' just to take Self-portraits

6. Flirting

5. Crystals and Healing Stones

4. Men, I just love em.

3. Blogging

2. Playing With My Husband's Hair

1. Just being lazy and sometimes doing absolutely nothing.

Those were probably boring, but hey, I tried... lol

In the spirit of this, I will share with you one of my favorite R&B Slow Jams. This is some OLD R. Kelly, yeah and you can't go wrong with this shite... Sorry, I love my Punk and my Metal, and my Rock-n-Roll, but there's nothing better than passion set to this song. It really brings back some steamy memories for me. Guess that's why it's one of my top guilty pleasures.

R. Kelly "You Remind Me Of Something"
(Video features wrong cover, but the song is what counts)


Anonymous said…
R Kelly, yeah baby! :) I dig that.
I was so glad to read just now that your dad is home from the hospital - definitely sending good thoughts your way. xo
g-man said…
I rather enjoy being the recipient of the played with hair, from my wife. :) Nice list. :)
Cynnie said…
I'm boycotting Rkelly..cause he's a creepy dude..
I'm so sure he's hurting from the boycott :)
furiousBall said…
Dave Chappelle's R.Kelly bit kills me every time... watch... there I'm dead again... told you
Chelly said…
Love that song! It's on my playlist.

Hope you have a lovely weekend Jackie. Say hello to your daddy for me. I hope he's feeling better.

BBC said…
I would love to have some hair to play with, like when Cher was here, but I just drive women more crazy.

#1.... Going camping to get away from all the monkeys.

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