What Time Is it?!
[Parental Warning - Mature Content I Suppose]
Ok, I decided to 'get cracking' on another installment of this because I enjoyed writing about songs in my playlist and why I chose them so much. If you want, you can read the first part below from 3/20. Otherwise, let's get this party started.
Today's Random Ten! Ooh look it starts with a really good one:
1. Little Wing - Jimi Hendrix
My love affair with Jimi Hendrix and his music began long ago. There has always been something haunting to me in his words, his enchanting chords and just to look at his facial expression in the photos that have been around since he's been gone. "Little Wing" began as my special song, once again because of "Z". We would be riding a back road late at night, holding hands and Z would look at me and just say, "Butterflies and Zebras and Moonbeams" and smile that smile. One night as we left work for one of our late-night back road ventures, he handed me a version done by Sting. He told me that when he listened to Sting, it made him want to be a bad boy and turn his hat backwards lol. Then when I met my husband, astonishingly it was his favorite song too and I discovered we both had a Hendrix fetish.
I can't deny this song and its hold on my life.
2. Tom's Diner - Suzanne Vega
Wow, Tom's Diner... that really takes me back. This song was written in 1981 by Suzanne Vega (I'm sure everyone at least vaguely recalls her). However, it was not released until 1991, ten years later. It was originally a capella, but they released a version of it that had music behind it. I remember both. I know, I know that doesn't answer why I have it my playlist, does it? Well, to be honest, it was just a song frequented by myself and two of my Floridian friends, Amy and James. It reminds me a bit of relaxing, rainy days.
We'd play it a lot (especially James) whenever we were hanging out, riding around shopping or what have you. That is, before they off and moved back to Florida to live Happily Ever After. So far so good Amy and James!! This one is for you guys.
3. Easy - Faith No More
Easy? Well this one is Easy indeed. Originally recorded by Lionel Richie, this fantastic "remake" done by Faith No More is one of my favorites. The song itself has always been a favorite, even the Richie version. Though you can hear distinct differences in the versions, Mike Patton made such a spot-on marvelous job on this tune. It's at the top of my sing-along sensations.
4. Jungle Love - Morris Day and The Time
Picture it, awkward girl too shy for words, wearing a hideous outfit from the 80s... nobody ever asks her to dance, but when the DJ cranks up and everyone hits the floor at the high school dance, who is she to resist the magic of Morris Day and The 'M!#&*%!n' Time as they jammed "Jungle Love"? Fast-forward to modern day Memphis, Tennessee as we see this same sweet, (slightly older) shy girl on the busy weekday Interstate, bobbing her head, and singing along to the same song, can you tell me... "What Time Is It?!?!!"
5. You Might Think I'm Crazy - The Cars
The Cars have long been a favorite of mine. Many of their songs take me back to my good times with my Sister Vickie and nieces, and even to the days when I used to force the sleepyheads to sit up and watch "Friday Night Videos" with me. "You Might Think I'm Crazy" reminds me of a simpler time of accompanying my sis on downtown Memphis errands, of the Green Thunderbird with the white leather seats, our legs sticking to them in the hot summer humidity. Riding around, attending softball games, the wind blowing through our hair as the smell of "Oscar de la renta" perfume permeated our olfactory systems, we sighed with the glee of freedom and childhood.
6. Goddamn - Hellyeah
Here we switch from the innocence of youth to the dirty sounds of more modern metal. These guys are one of my more recent digs. Although they began more around 2001, most of their notoriety came about 2006-2007. Vinnie Paul (Dimebag's brother and drummer from Pantera), and the other guys came from Damageplan, Mudvayne and Nothingface (but I won't punish them for the Mudvayne thing). The act is original, the sound is fresh with a familiar feel, and the groove is heavy and in your face.
I listen in when I feel like kicking someone in the teeth. ;)
Check it Out!
7. I'm Broken - Pantera
Pantera is close to my heart always, and I can listen to them virtually anytime. I'll probably always ache for the good ol' days before the death of legendary guitarist Dimebag Darrell.
Still, we have Pantera's music to remember him by, along with a host of other gifts that he left us.
"I'm Broken" is one of my favorite songs, and as such must be included in my playlist to jam on whenever I get sick of kicking people in the teeth and need to simply smash their faces in. (I jest, slightly)
8. Take A Picture - Filter
Filter has always been a group that I enjoyed quite a lot. Their notorious 1995 hit "Hey Man, Nice Shot", a reaction to the well-documented public suicide of Pennsylvania state treasurer Budd Dwyer, who shot himself during a press conference with a .357 Magnum was something in itself. It just isn't one I want to listen to on rotation. Yes, "Take A Picture" is another feel-good song for me, even though it doesn't link to a particular memory. I was reminded of the song and the band when I watched the 2004 film "The Girl Next Door" (starring Elisha Cuthbert). It was used in the soundtrack, and has been on my playlist somewhere ever since.
9. Missing You - Mary J. Blige
Mary J is one of my favorite R&B Singers, and this song writes home regarding the heartbreaking feeling of missing anybody you love or miss in your life. She pulls at the soul strings, and you can't help but sing along. I can be a Diva for the 4:16 that this song is jamming through my speakers, because I am gonna be singing along, no doubt.
10. Cowboy Song - Thin Lizzy
I Love Thin Lizzy, and I wish Phil Lynott (the bass player and Lead Singer) had made it to present day. Unfortunately, many of these so-well-loved music geniuses check out way before their time. Maybe they can't take the pressures that come with stardom, or maybe they were just too beautiful for this world. One can only speculate.
"Cowboy Song" always gives my heart a little "tug", and reminds me of days when I worked at R.R. Donnelley back home. That's when I really started digging into the Thin Lizzy music, and it's been part of my soul ever since. Rock on Phil Lynott, wherever you are out there in the cosmos... I know you are!
Ok, I decided to 'get cracking' on another installment of this because I enjoyed writing about songs in my playlist and why I chose them so much. If you want, you can read the first part below from 3/20. Otherwise, let's get this party started.
Today's Random Ten! Ooh look it starts with a really good one:
1. Little Wing - Jimi Hendrix

I can't deny this song and its hold on my life.
2. Tom's Diner - Suzanne Vega
Wow, Tom's Diner... that really takes me back. This song was written in 1981 by Suzanne Vega (I'm sure everyone at least vaguely recalls her). However, it was not released until 1991, ten years later. It was originally a capella, but they released a version of it that had music behind it. I remember both. I know, I know that doesn't answer why I have it my playlist, does it? Well, to be honest, it was just a song frequented by myself and two of my Floridian friends, Amy and James. It reminds me a bit of relaxing, rainy days.
We'd play it a lot (especially James) whenever we were hanging out, riding around shopping or what have you. That is, before they off and moved back to Florida to live Happily Ever After. So far so good Amy and James!! This one is for you guys.
3. Easy - Faith No More
Easy? Well this one is Easy indeed. Originally recorded by Lionel Richie, this fantastic "remake" done by Faith No More is one of my favorites. The song itself has always been a favorite, even the Richie version. Though you can hear distinct differences in the versions, Mike Patton made such a spot-on marvelous job on this tune. It's at the top of my sing-along sensations.
4. Jungle Love - Morris Day and The Time

5. You Might Think I'm Crazy - The Cars
The Cars have long been a favorite of mine. Many of their songs take me back to my good times with my Sister Vickie and nieces, and even to the days when I used to force the sleepyheads to sit up and watch "Friday Night Videos" with me. "You Might Think I'm Crazy" reminds me of a simpler time of accompanying my sis on downtown Memphis errands, of the Green Thunderbird with the white leather seats, our legs sticking to them in the hot summer humidity. Riding around, attending softball games, the wind blowing through our hair as the smell of "Oscar de la renta" perfume permeated our olfactory systems, we sighed with the glee of freedom and childhood.
6. Goddamn - Hellyeah
Here we switch from the innocence of youth to the dirty sounds of more modern metal. These guys are one of my more recent digs. Although they began more around 2001, most of their notoriety came about 2006-2007. Vinnie Paul (Dimebag's brother and drummer from Pantera), and the other guys came from Damageplan, Mudvayne and Nothingface (but I won't punish them for the Mudvayne thing). The act is original, the sound is fresh with a familiar feel, and the groove is heavy and in your face.
I listen in when I feel like kicking someone in the teeth. ;)
Check it Out!
7. I'm Broken - Pantera
Pantera is close to my heart always, and I can listen to them virtually anytime. I'll probably always ache for the good ol' days before the death of legendary guitarist Dimebag Darrell.
Still, we have Pantera's music to remember him by, along with a host of other gifts that he left us.
"I'm Broken" is one of my favorite songs, and as such must be included in my playlist to jam on whenever I get sick of kicking people in the teeth and need to simply smash their faces in. (I jest, slightly)
8. Take A Picture - Filter
Filter has always been a group that I enjoyed quite a lot. Their notorious 1995 hit "Hey Man, Nice Shot", a reaction to the well-documented public suicide of Pennsylvania state treasurer Budd Dwyer, who shot himself during a press conference with a .357 Magnum was something in itself. It just isn't one I want to listen to on rotation. Yes, "Take A Picture" is another feel-good song for me, even though it doesn't link to a particular memory. I was reminded of the song and the band when I watched the 2004 film "The Girl Next Door" (starring Elisha Cuthbert). It was used in the soundtrack, and has been on my playlist somewhere ever since.
9. Missing You - Mary J. Blige
Mary J is one of my favorite R&B Singers, and this song writes home regarding the heartbreaking feeling of missing anybody you love or miss in your life. She pulls at the soul strings, and you can't help but sing along. I can be a Diva for the 4:16 that this song is jamming through my speakers, because I am gonna be singing along, no doubt.
10. Cowboy Song - Thin Lizzy

"Cowboy Song" always gives my heart a little "tug", and reminds me of days when I worked at R.R. Donnelley back home. That's when I really started digging into the Thin Lizzy music, and it's been part of my soul ever since. Rock on Phil Lynott, wherever you are out there in the cosmos... I know you are!
Hendrix - I can recommend the "new" album - better than I expected