
Showing posts from November, 2008

Death To Innocence (A Preamble)

It's very hard to sum-up how I am feeling tonight. It's a strange melancholy. I am mixed up between getting the holiday spirit and thoughts of organizing my house and decorating with festive bells and whistles, and trying to shield myself from cold, hard realities. I would go into it right now if I could, but I really don't have all of the words to illustrate everything that's in my heart. However, I will forewarn you that the next few days, while I am trying to work it out, there may be some depressing, emotional posts. So if you don't want to get dragged under my painful current, then read with caution. Innocence is fleeting, I should've had a harder life to prepare me for some of the things that I am going to have to go through in these next years, but up until now, nothing has really 'stepped up' to play the part of the teacher, I guess you could say. For now, I go to gather my thoughts... and to prevent further 'rambling', I am just going to...

Everyone Gobble

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving all. Ours was spent with family, most everyone showed up and we all enjoyed a nice visit. I am thankful for that and many things. Thankful for lots of good food that Mom cooked and we all contributed a thing or two, and I helped her clean up after, then popped by the In-Laws for Huz's side. Was a really nice day. I'm sure everyone's stuffed to the gills (or full as a tick), whatever your favorite phrasing is... lol. Now on to the next phase of the holiday season, right? Since last week's "WWC", I had a pic of a Castle in Memphis, and a couple people expressed an interest in knowing more about that. I'm trying to check a couple of facts about it, and I am going to give you all a bit more of the history behind "The Castle" tomorrow. How does that sound? Also, I am going to work up one of my all-fire-famous "Stories" for you after that, you know one of my true tales of either geekery, debauchery, or just p...

Perfect and Flawed (WWC)

Happy Tuesday Kiddies! Holiday Season is upon us, so a great many of us are preparing ourselves for Thanksgiving this week here in the US of A. It's a Time of giving thanks and being thankful for everything we have, no matter how big or small. If you stop and look around, then you might realize most times that you have so much more than you thought you did, and there are so many people who have way less than you, but are twice as happy. Something to think about... But nobody is "perfect", we are all flawed so there is plenty of room to grow in our ways of thinking. Anyways, here is a brief little "Wikipedia" overview of Thanksgiving (USA). For the Canadian holiday, see Thanksgiving (Canada) . United States Thanksgiving The First Thanksgiving , painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863–1930) Observed by United States Type National Date fourth Thursday in November 2008 date November 27, 2008 Celebrations parades , spending time with ...

If I Had A Nose Full Of Nickels

Then I'd be Richer than Snot, right? lol or well, at least richer than I was with a nose full of snot. I have improved some, I am still having hard nights, waking up coughing and all, but it is getting a little better. The gig Saturday night was tough. Nobody showed up of course, and the only people that WERE there were Ubee's employees and some college kids at the bar shouting "METALLICA!!!" AND "RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS!!" at us. It was a little disconcerting, but I marched on, vocally speaking. We don't play Metallica, we don't play the Chili Peppers, We're NOT a cover band. Presently we've nothing but originals in our set (this is exceedingly rare). When you're a band that is not that well known, your originals are basically considered nothing but "art", and nobody really wants to come out and hear them. "Art" does not book shows, or draw much of a crowd. Memphis is a place where people want to hear the familiar, the ...

Fear and Loathing En Mi Nariz y Garganta

I was going to call this post "Fear and Loathing En Las ventanas de la nariz" (meaning "Fear and Loathing In My Nostrils) but wished to shorten it, and Espanol just doesn't make it easy. So I went with "Fear and Loathing In My Nose and Throat". lol I know, too much effort for something that doesn't make a rat's ass really. To get to the point, I've had the Unholy Crud this week, it started in my throat sometime between Monday and Tuesday, and by Tuesday afternoon my throat was scratchy and sore and I was beginning to feel like crap. Richie had to get in on the sinus problem thing too, so we had to beg off practice and opt to try and make it up on Friday if everything goes well that is. I've been taking medicine and all that jazz, and I sure hope to clear up soon because we gig Saturday night at Ubee's, and I don't want to sound like Brian Johnson (No offense Brian!). I prefer my more ladylike singing voice, and well just hope for my ...

Public and Private (WWC)

This week's "Weekly Words Challenge" is brought to us by the manly and excellent Jay of Cynical Bastard . He has done a great job of standing in for Tink as she was off getting married all this last week... His words were "Public" and "Private" . I'm running amuck and confused as usual, so bear with me. I'll get this I hope! Let's get this party started! My Pubic... Oh wait, damn wrong word. See told you I was confused today!!! Maybe I better let the Slideshow handle this... Happy Tuesday!

Chainsaw Rock

I haven't had time to conjure up any stories today, I have been thinking about posting a story soon though. Anybody have any suggestions about what you might want to read about?? Like, I dunno, Childhood, Debauchery, Embarrassing Moments, Funny, heck give me a little feedback. :) Today though, I was thinking about funny Rock songs and videos, and for some reason "Jackyl" popped into my head. This old song, "Lumberjack" was hilarious to me, but I gotta admit, dude was pretty awesome with a Chainsaw... Check It Out, "Lumberjack" by Jackyl .

Full Moon Fever

We had a full moon this week. Sometimes crazy things happen around the full moon, and you're not out of the water until even a couple days after, but this one seemed to go o.k. for me. I'm just a little 'washed out', and ready to relax. It's still been foggy and rainy most of the week, and I've wanted to sip my cocoa and read... that's been my mood basically. Hope you all have a great weekend though... I'm going to try. If you are a "Bizarro" , then pop by I've left you a little present... you know what that means , and you know who you are . Don't forget, also check by when you can think over at WTF Friday . I haven't even thought to post or pop by there myself lately--sorry everyone!! Hope you aren't mad at your AJ! That's basically it for today, I'm going to relax and enjoy hiding in my shell tonight if at all possible. Hope your Full Moon went well or uneventful I guess... it wasn't so for others. Here are a coup...

What The Hell Happened To Me?

We all have our daily routines, we reach a goal, hit a milestone, get comfortable. Sometimes we stay there and bask in that one glow for way too long... Change buzzes all around us, but sometimes it's too scary so we hide right in the center and let it spin right past. There is a price to pay for comfort. Growing up, I do remember wanting to be a nurse until about fourth grade. It was at that time that my mother enrolled me in a local art class taught by Mrs. Meacham. I never looked back to a medical profession again, but lived a life of a "wannabe artist" from there on. "Art Fever" had taken control of young Jackie. Early on, the aspirations took on that of a "Film Animator". I wanted to live in California, and work for the likes of Disney, Warner Bros., and really blaze a cartoon trail. Then later, Illustration won my love, and I wanted to design book and magazine covers, albums, Billboards, even package designs. My work would be the deciding factor...

We Desire Diversity (WWC)

Hi there. I am always a day late and a dollar short it seems. These days maybe two or three dollars short, but I digress. I am late for this week's WWC (Weekly Words Challenge), but I am doing my best this week. This week's words were "Diversity" and "Desire", & still provided by the by NOW Very Married, Tink (of Pickled Beef). We're all very happy for you Tink! Since she is away doing those things that Honeymooners are prone to doing (at least for a while), she has left a very worthy "Grand Poobah" in charge. Our leader for this next week is that suave, debonair, rowdy and raunchy Viking that we all know and love, Jay of Cynical Bastard . He has presented us with NEXT week's words, "Public" and "Private" (which are still apt to cause a stir eh?). Ok, ok... I'll get to my entries for this week since it sounds like I am beating around the bush... I promise I'm not. Here you go... My Slideshow . Voila! Let...

Anonymous Anonymore

Anonymous commenting has been disabled. I'm sorry about that, I appreciate those of you who comment, even if you were anonymous but left a name and all, I know this will probably keep you guys from leaving me a comment, but I just got tired of the "anonymous" anonymouses. I appreciate everyone's visits, but it does you no harm to leave a nickname, or blog identity, if you have something to say, say it. I prefer to know who leaves the comments, that's all. So it will let you sign into your Google/Blogger account, or Open ID, which I think includes Wordpress, Typepad, LiveJournal or even AIM accounts. That should cover most everybody. Today is WWC day, but the Veteran's Day holiday threw me off... I'm going to do my best to get my entry up tomorrow. In other news, I'm reading "Hearts In Atlantis" by Stephen King, and am really liking it so far. I have watched the movie before, so I tend to have those characters in my head when reading the story...

What's Up With That Steeple?

W eekend has been buzzing by, there were things I had planned on doing that I didn't get to take care of such as picking up some things from my Sister's house (sorry Vick! If you are inclined to give me another chance then perhaps this Friday or Saturday? Don't look at me like that, I'll make good I swear!) With the time change, and the days being shorter, I think this last week has really thrown me for a loop... Not to mention the low-energy bit. But I am feeling a bit more perky today. Perhaps it is because I did a good deed. I went to church with my Mother and performed a song for her, basically I wanted to give her a lift because she's seemed so down the last few days. She won't admit it, but I could hear it in her voice. So since she'd been begging me to come play piano and do a special song for so long, I thought it might lift her spirits. It seemed to help. Most everyone realizes that I am not a fan of organized religions, or the way things seem to go...

Something Smells Fishy

I've been trying to post for a couple days now, but keep getting distracted and sidetracked. Aside from that I just have felt "ZERO" energy this week. I do not know what is up. I had my B12 shot over a week ago, more near 2 weeks ago. I never really felt a substantial boost from that, and have not had a very good week as far as my exercise regimen is concerned. I feel a little like crap. To top that off, Richie's mood has been in the shitter this week because he had to adjust some of the crap that he is taking to become "Superman", and went through a couple of days of being an edgy asshole. That really pisses me off when someone is all edgy and jumps at the drop of a hat, tries to be all prickly and salty with me when I didn't do a damn thing. I don't feel like putting up with that shit. I would rather have a soggy, lazy, slacker of a human being than a "ripped" asshole (lol). Today, he does the usual... "springs" a Barbecue on me...

A Time To Chill

The election is over, we had a winner by both popular and electoral vote. People have spoken, not all of them one particular "race", and for many different reasons and personal beliefs. The months ahead for our new president and our country will be very tedious and trying times, and he will have a huge job ahead of him, trying to bring about the changes he has spoken about, as well as gaining further approval of the American people. We all know this. Although the election itself is over, I wanted to share this article. I think it makes a lot of good points about the behavior of the American people regarding whether they do or don't like certain leaders, and how we react and treat one another in regard to this. Whoever Wins, Chill A Bit The truth is, we have a new president who will take office in January, and we need to pull together as a nation, and support each other, our leaders, our country and its military. It doesn't mean we have to agree on everything, and it ...

Hands and Feet (WWC)

All kinds of stuff going on this week, and it has been a founky (sp) start for me, so my "WWC" is very bare bones this week. The Weekly Words Challenge (WWC) is brought to us by the ALMOST MARRIED Tink of Pickled Beef ! Congrats Tink as your day is drawing very close!!! :) Tink gives us "Hands" and "Feet" for this week's words, and I believe while she is away, she's handing the reigns over to our favorite sexy Cynical Bastard (Jay) . Can't wait to see what havoc he will reek with us! Should be Wicked Fun. Since I am in a bit of a creative kink, I can only offer to re post my feet, which should still thrill everyone I think. The shot is from when I was relaxing in Mom's pasture, and met with the fateful Karma Cow (as Tink called her) . AJ's feet pointed towards the sky, while grounding herself... Well I do hope you enjoyed that, even if it was a repeat. Some things bear repeating, especially my bare feet. Sorry I don't have anything ...

Human Touch

Hold On To Your Adidas, Here's A Blast From The Past. The embedding was disabled on this, so you will have to Go To YouTube's Site and Watch It Thought we could use a little video on this Monday. I'm lagging a bit, and as you can see I took the weekend away from blogging, just an end of the month rest of sorts. Now we are smack-up-in November as it seems. I can't believe that this year is nearly coming to a close. Every single year speeds up, we're running in Fast-Forward aren't we? I'm going to do a little reading, watch "Heroes", and probably head off to my alternate reality (a.k.a. "dreamworld") kinda early tonight. See what interesting souls I can encounter there. Hope your week shapes up to be a good one. How was everyone's Halloween?? More mental-mung from me along with the "WWC" tomorrow. C-U-Den.