Hot For Teacher

F rom time-to-time I crack open my old teen journal and try and remind myself of how I have grown. Occasionally it occurs to me that I haven't made it as far down the road as I thought, kind of like when you take a wrong turn and end up going in circles and right back in front of the same bagel shop. It happens. The important thing besides stopping off for a bite of bread, is just to keep driving, keep learning. Recently as I skimmed through those youthful pages full of electric fire, I was reminded of my college days. Looking back, still some of the best days of my life. There was a professor then whose name I cannot reveal for two reasons: #1, he might 'Google' himself and find this, and #2 the other students, both past and present, might read it and think me insane. Therefore, we'll call him "Mr. Hand" just for privacy purposes. The fact that "Mr. Hand" brings a comedic slant to the idea of this teacher will just be a bonus. Mr. Hand was one of t...