Thanks For The Memories

My earliest memories of Thanksgiving included watching my Mom and Dad work together to make the best homemade dressing in the entire world. He would stand at the table, mixing it all together, adding the sage, celery, seasonings... both of them did their parts, but it became a running joke in the family that we were eating "Daddy's famous dressing". Still, his recipe and his love lives on. (Although perhaps the icon pic to the left will turn you all Vegan! ha-ha!) We raised a few Turkeys growing up, but I made cuddly pets out of them, certainly, and not one of them ever landed on a dinner table. I wish that were the case for all of these sweet birds in the world. But of course, I'm one of those kooks who enjoys the company of our animals more than I do most people... I won't apologize for that! ;) Daddy delighted, actually reveled in holiday traditions, so between the two of them, we have been steeped in traditions of spending the holidays as a family, sitting do...