It's Been A While

So I fell off again completely. I know.

Well the time is coming for me to blog again, and I have been wanting to start. At first I thought about doing a completely new blog, but I have an attachment to this one with all of its ups and downs, and I just don't really wanna let go of it. That's the way I am with a lot of things.

 Call it a fault, or maybe a gift, but sentimentality is a big part of me. 

Gearing up for a big comeback,

Aunt Jackie

** Not that I like this song really, but I thought it was fitting.



Chelly said…
Hey Jackie!! So good to see you back. Can't wait to read about aunt Jackie's adventures.

I've always loved that song by Aaliyah. xo
Furtheron said…
a big comeback! Blimey, big billing, expectations set ... can't wait :-)
Aunt Jackie said…
Thanks Chelly!! That is, if I can resume having good adventures... lol

Furtheron, thanks too. You guys make me blush :)

Glad you're still around, and sorry if I have been less-than-supportive myself.

I'm tryin.

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