Going Mobile!

S o , I have had a lot on my mind lately, and plenty to write about, which is not unusual. It's pretty much par for the course for me... Lack of content, ideas or words is never the problem for me. It is usually laziness, time-wasting and procrastination that demolishes my creative efforts and endeavors. It's not something I'm proud of, but it's also one of my biggest struggles. So I'm not going to beat myself up, just keep living Dia por Dia, and doing my best to improve things like that, the things about myself that most make me wanna beat my ass. Most of y'all can dig that, I think. "Can you hear me now!?" Anyway, as I shuffled on over here to think about my blog, and writing, etc, I took a look at my theme and decided it had been way too long since I gave it a face-lift. It needed updating in a major way. Since I work in the field of Web Development / Design, it's terrible that I have waited so long to pop over and ensure that my blog ...