June Bugs

In an effort to glean a bit of inspiration for June, I filtered through some of my past writings, I have had quite a few poetic moments on this blog. I realize how badly my posts as of late surely pale in comparison. Believe me, some of my thoughts and moments could compete, but I can't publish it all. You will simply have to wait for my autobiography to be published. :) This year is definitely zooming by, I feel like we just got through New Year's and already six months have evaporated before our very eyes. It has been an emotionally up and down time, sometimes I feel like I'm just floating helplessly in a creaky little boat on a stormy sea, but I'm hanging on to the boat, not the shore, popping my Dramamine and doing my best to ride the waves. Everything comes gradually at its appointed hour, there's a bigger picture and plan. So, we keep on rolling along. Shouts out today to Richie , it's his birthday and I hope he has a good one, still do my best to be a goo...