
Showing posts from September, 2017

Thirsty Thursday

Well apparently today's good for a few interesting celebrations. Most intriguingly, there is "Ask a Stupid Question Day" paired up with "International Right to Know Day". I guess that means if people ask us stupid questions today, we're pretty much obligated to school them... ahh the thirst for knowledge, and of course beer. Yesss, Drink Beer Day is also today, which is more than likely at least partially responsible for many of the stupid questions we get on a regular basis (cheers!). Thank goodness for drunk people, am I right? They provide us with comic relief due to so many burned up brain cells. Those mighty little brain cells had so much potential, yet they were struck down in the prime of their life. Can we have a moment of silence for all of the brain cells that have died for the cause of the almighty beer belly and the quest for the perfect buzz? **For a moment we can only hear crickets and the central AC blowing** Here is a hilarious vi...

I've Got a Crush On You

In getting back to my 'muse research' for posts, I ran across today's "Fun Holiday". September 27th is "Crush a Can Day"! This is kind of cool, and who doesn't love the exhilarating feeling of crushing a can between your fingers, or even stepping on them to 'smush' them as I enjoyed doing growing up. What an environmentally friendly way to have a little fun. Then you can take all of your crushed cans to the recycling center to give them a new life! See further below for tips on how to celebrate this little-known holiday. This next song is called "Arach-NO-phobia!!" Crushing cans reminded me of course about "Crushes". I tell so many stories involving crushes I've had on others growing up, and throughout life, guys I stalked and whose lives I made a living hell. But, have I ever shared any where someone had a crush on me? If memory serves me correctly, I'll have to say... probably not often, because it was a p...

Checking In

Took another Hiatus, and this happens sometimes unintentionally. I've been trying to work on a book, so I've done some writing "offline" (if you will). Things brewing, and of course it is officially fall, so I am ready to perk back up and get back to the blog a bit more regularly. Things get hectic and sometimes I get distracted by life itself, just daily struggles and trying to make ends meet and I allow my favorite things to take a backseat. "Favorite things?" you say. Yes, you know, my writing (here), my music, my art and myself. We must remember never to neglect our favorite things for very long, lest they move on and find other favorite things themselves. "Life Turns On A Dime." -Stephen King (Be back a little later, with more of my world-famous "word vomit". I know you all enjoy!) Sharing This Gorilla Drinking Coffee For No Reason Mondazed, Aunt Jackie